Hi folks,
just an
update on our situation. It is now fairly certain that Christine will not get a
Visa this year we have tried everything we can we have appealed we even looked
at taking it the Delhi High Court but frankly it was just far too expensive and
with no guarantee of a positive outcome we just couldn’t afford the risk. We
have both been worried about how on earth we were going to cope so far from
each other. I know service personnel spent much longer apart from families but
that is the lifestyle they have chosen, this is more like 12 months at her
Majesty’s service! With no chance of parole!
and I when we met we both knew we had found our soul mate, we had been
corresponding via email for months before that first meeting. The day we met we
both knew but neither would admit it. Christine was disabled on crutches
overweight and depressed, I had lost all hope in ever finding anybody who would
forgive my past and was definitely heading down a dark road towards depression.
We are both born again Christians although at that time I had not been
baptised. I had given my life to Jesus on a road trip in America, after many
years of saying ‘if there is a God prove it’ on Mount Tahoe he did just that.
From that moment my life began to change as it says in the Bible my eyes were
opened. There was very little we didn’t know about each other good and bad
because we had been totally and I do mean totally honest with each other
online, no secrets no surprises for later just absolute honesty. The advantage
of talking online is that you are anonymous you can lie make yourself out to be
something you’re not or you can do as we did be brutally honest before we ever
met Christine knew about my very violent past and what I had gone through as a
child. She was totally honest about her disability and her continuous pain and
the future she faced which drove her towards depression. Neither of us were in
a good place in our lives.
We could
have been on opposite sides of the world but it turned out that not only did
Christine live in a village that I passed through daily on my way to work every
day, in fact Christine had been sat behind me in her car waiting at the traffic
lights in her village. Was all so weird is that for years our lives had
crisscrossed many times but that’s another story.
It may sound
crazy, and trust me to me it felt crazy but we did not want to make love until
we were married. If you had any idea of my past I don’t know about amazed you
will be more like shocked that I should think this way. Christine was not a virgin
yet we both felt very strongly that to honour God we had to do this properly.
We were on a
visit to Lindisfarne (holy island) the site of the first Christian settlement
in England. The little church the is amazing it has a sense of peace and love I
have never felt anywhere else.
It wasn’t
planned but we both knelt before the altar and swore before God that we would
be true to each other and that there would be no other in our lives for as long
as we lived. We also asked that if we were doing wrong we should feel a sense
of guilt, instead we just felt intense joy that we had committed to each other.
A small group in the church who had watched this asked us to join them and we
sang hymns with them. When we left we were man and wife in the eyes of God. We
found a place to live together and six months later formalised our wedding in
church in front of our friends and the legal representative.
It always
struck me as strange that whilst most in our church accepted we were married
because of our oath before God and witnesses some couldn’t go that far and
still regarded us as living together out of wedlock. It didn’t really matter to
us because we both knew the truth as did God. From that moment at holy island
we have been one entity Kris and Chris. Both friends in the church and outside
refer to us as just that, even here in India those that know us well call us
Kris and Chris or the Chrisis.
We lived here together very happily for nearly 13 years during that time Geeta joined us. Many of you will know her story but briefly she was horribly burned and dying, my Indian sister Deloo (it’s complicated but we have been accepted into an Indian family as part of that family, quite rare) brought her to see us because she had seen Christine Heal a very nasty burn on my leg, bike an and exhaust kiss and boy this was a big one. Well I had been the typical man and ignored it for a few days so when Christine saw it I not only got shouted at for being stupid but she now had to deal with a yucky mess rather than a simple burn. I was not popular. The good thing that came out of this was that Amber (another sister) saw how bad the burn was and watched Christine heal it. She told Christine that her niece was also burned which she mind looking at her, of course Kris said no problem at all. The next weekend to Deloo turned up carrying this little bundle of wobbly arms and legs thin as a rake with burns that covered her right arm and side some of her back and had completely destroyed her right ear.
It seems she had been in that condition for over a
year! The tribal witch doctors had been treating it by sprinkling it with
turmeric and then wiping that off to remove the infected flesh. By the time she
got to us bone was showing through at her elbow and she stank of gangrene. We
rushed straight to our local hospital who immediately recommended amputation is
the only way to save her life. Christine has worked in a burns unit and felt
she could do more than just amputate so she came home again to live with us and
for the next three or four months Christine changed her dressings and cleaned
the wound at least once a day sometimes morning and evening but gradually she
got on top of the infection and finally beat it. Geeta would not respond to
antibiotics as she had been pumped for of anything and everything on the market
she was almost totally resistant only responding to 1 or two externally applied
antibiotic creams.
Since then
she has grown into a lovely young girl, hard working at school and very polite.
We are both incredibly proud of her. She still lives with us because her mother
and father both agree that here she will get a good education (she attends one
of the best private schools in the state) and a good upbringing which they
could not give her in the village. Her father in particular is immensely proud
of what she is achieving, he calls her ‘my Little Tiger’ If she returned to the
village her future would consist mostly of manual labour. Now she can dream of
a career.
And that’s
about where we were when we again applied for a visa’s something we had done
many times before and never had a problem. This time however the Indian
authorities decided that Christine would not be granted a visa because she had
overstayed on her last one. Despite feeling and fighting and everything else
you know the end result refusal reapply in a year. I referred in my last blog
to how that felt for a press so I’m not going to labour the point here.
The first
few weeks were very difficult for both of us, I carried back a bug from the UK
vomiting diarrhoea and dizziness. I spent the first few nights downstairs on
the sofa because I simply couldn’t manage the stairs. Not a single friend
called in to help. Deloo now back at the village heard I wasn’t well and bless
her dropped everything to come and care for me. Gradually I got better,
stronger and am now other than walking any distance okay. When I feel
completely recovered I will start gentle exercise to get my body back into some
sort of reasonable condition.
There have
been times when it’s been incredibly funny. today lunch consisted of a yoghurt
a fried egg and bacon sandwich and a plum! Lunch has become a bit of a voyage
of discovery, bacon and eggs sandwich on one occasion followed by ice cream
with cream biscuits in it. On the whole though the bacon and egg sandwich is
leading at the moment as most popular lunch. Breakfast for me is coffee, for
Geeta it is inevitably my muesli! I never seem to get the chance to eat any but
the level in the box continues to fall for some mysterious reason. I try to
make dinner in the evening a proper meal for both of us, tonight for instance
we are having chicken breast in a rich garlic sauce with chips and peas.
Shopping has been a pain in the butt because of the distance of walking
involved, I find it very difficult to go very far at all so we have whittled
our shops down to those local shops we use and ones in the local area that we
can get to by rickshaw. Backup plan is Amazon!
Geeta has
gone out with a friend Jackie fruit and veg shopping today it’s the first time
she’s ever been out on her own and Jackie promises to look after her. Heaven
knows what were going to get all I said sure was we need some fruit I need a
lighter and you need some new lead for your propelling pencil..
Geeta is
taking the situation fairly well it helps tremendously that Christine always
calls her about 7:30 AM before she leaves for school it seems to help her feel
that Chris is still here. I telephone her everyday on what’s app and it gives
us time for a private chat. We are also emailing each other when the occasion
arises. That way we are both fully informed of what’s happening to each other
and can support each other through the hard times.
Gradually we
are all coming to terms with the situation as it now is, it’s difficult for all
of us we have never been apart before and it physically hurts deep inside.
We are
keeping our faith in the Lord, I don’t know why he has chosen this path for us
but I will accept that he has and do the best I can not only to keep my faith
but to follow what he has laid out in front of us.
Every Sunday
Christine attendance rising Brooke Church which is also online live so in a way
we are together for that
I know she
is singing the same song is I am at the same moment, is a degree of closeness
which is really good.
Church Durham have supported our effort here in India since we first came.
There is a great deal of shock and disbelief that the Indian authorities have
done this but of course nobody can do anything other than offer their prayers
for which we are eternally grateful. Alan Bell has been a tremendous support to
us through all the good and bad he has been there for us I just want to say
here ‘May God bless you Alan’.
Friends in
the UK have commented asking how is Chris going to manage alone in India with
his health problems to look after a house and a little girl? Well I won’t lie
the first few weeks were tough and at times I never thought I would get through
it but now we seem to have settled into a routine Geeta is being a tremendous
help in fact without I don’t think I could manage alone. I have a lady that
comes in for two hours a day to do the washing up and dust and do the floors.
Believe it or not that is such a tremendous help to be able to keep the house
tidy and clean was my biggest worry. Lots of people can’t believe what I’m
doing I am at the moment the talk of the colony slowly word is spreading that
Christine is stuck in the UK and I am managing on my own with only Geeta to
help. Despite all that this weekend we are planting sunflowers beans and tomatoes
in our driveway beds. By the way the fruit consisted of watermelon, plums,
mango, bananas and oranges. That’s a really nice selection all in season so
very cheap. Normal veg we have a huge variety of both homegrown and bought in season veggies. It is
something we have always done buy it when its cheap or grow it, things like
runner beans which we cannot get here. There were times when I looked at the
two freezers and fridge freezer and wondered what on earth we were doing
keeping all that veg? Well I sincerely apologise Christine I here humbly admit you are a genius and I was wrong.
The daily
temperatures are beginning to fall as the monsoon passes about half done. We
have had a huge rainstorm today with a kick off again during the night if it
sticks to the usual pattern. It’s 26° C again today but is expected to fall as
low as 24° C by the end of the week so getting nice and cool. The humidity and
the heat just sap the energy out of you, things you would happily go and do
become a struggle, to give you an idea local doctors recommend between six and
8 L of water per day if you are active. If I drank that much 90% of my activity
would be back and forth to the bathroom! I do try to drink plenty though and
milk and fruit juices each day. I seem to be losing weight, maybe that’s my
cooking… Ha ha.
Well I did
say this is just to bring you up-to-date I hope it helps you understand what
Chris and I are going through but no matter what we will not repeat not give in
and just walk away from this. India, Gita and our home here is our life but it
won’t be complete again until all three of us are together.
God bless
you all
Chris 9/August
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