Saturday, 1 June 2019

Update from India 82


 Well another month has passed. Summer is burning the grass brown and wells are drying up again. Water is so scarce in parts of Rajasthan that tankers have been delivering for some weeks now.
It always seems so unjust to me. Big companies use millions of litres of water in their production systems, and yes they do pay for it. The problem is it is reducing the level of drinkable water in the underground aquifers, this leads to the poor farmer who’s well has dried up having to pay for water for his crops or they will die, and with it his only income for the year.
Water is wasted at an unbelievable rate. Crops are watered in full sun, 80% is calculated to be lost in evaporation. Watering in the evening would reverse this ratio. Unfortunately the belief here among a lot of people is plants only drink in the daytime. Cars are still washed in the streets (where water is available). It regularly just runs away from damaged pipes or drains. There is no legislation governing water use (none that is obeyed anyway) and the waste just goes on and on. The Indian people as a whole (with notable exceptions) believe water like air is a right to be used by all.  Overuse will bring famine to India again soon and people will say it’s due to lack of water, it’s NOT, its due to misuse and waste. We must wake up and treat water for what it is, a precious resource.

People, mainly women and children walk miles to get water
every day in the rural areas near us, so they treat water as
precious and don't waste it

We save our used water for the garden, so far this year we are doing ok keeping the flower beds alive, the grass will grow again when the rain comes.

Amba in the middle of a jig

Kris’s herb bed is really doing well with, sage, lemon grass, rosemary, mint, basil and thyme. This year at Christmas we are looking forward to our own sage and onion stuffing.
Sage drying getting ready for Christmas
Sage and onion stuffing yeah I really miss this

This is called a ‘Money Bee’ it bores into wood to make a chamber to live in. there are four in this carving outside our front door.

All around the garden and under the eaves birds are building nests, nice to see them using our garden more since we made it less formal and more diverse.

Comments from Kris
I will start with the breaking news that we are about to have a new birth in the family, no don’t panic I am not pregnant and neither is anyone else in the household. Our beloved Royal Enfield that Chris spent so much time lovingly converting to a single rider (with my heartfelt blessings as I could not ride pillion any longer) is about to get its sidecar attachment finally fitted and working. Many thanks to friends who have helped Chris and I and especially to our friend Peter who has spent the last 2months being shown and advised what to do by Chris, without his brilliant bracket making skills and hard work we would be nowhere near ready for the road tests. As it is final work is going on as I write this and we plan a small family party to celebrate the birth of the Royal Enfield outfit to be named Betty in about a weeks’ time. Chris decided he could not ride solo as he missed having me with him so he devised a plan and Betty was conceived yeah.
We have a super duper seat in the outfit it’s their best seat they make for the deluxe version and boy is it comfortable and gently hugs your back giving lots of support. 

Below some pictures at various stages of the build, I am getting very excited but nervous, never been in a side car before, lots of bright lights to make us visible as you don't see outfits like this in India

Remember this? Arrival day back in November.

Chris ecstatic the side car has finally arrived 

Well packed and very very heavy

Looking cool

Early days of the build, me and my right hand man Peter.
I never thought it would take so long to build, life, health and other commitments came along and conspired to delay things. To be fair the last two months while I was practically unable to work Peter has stayed at it just asking advice and for me to shut up and sit! Its at times like this that you really find out who your friends are. Cost me a lot of beer though!

Sidecar in the workshop just had its screen

More painting still to do its black enamel paint and a joy to use 

Peter our Master bracketeer in action

Up close and personal at least he didn't tickle me whilst I
was painting the chassis

Do we need to say more this clock is in the
workshop and is a tribute to our friend Les who
is sadly no longer with us. I'm thinking of having
one in my studio

The painting never ends but it is very enjoyable and

This month I turned 60 who would believe the years go so very quickly, and for those of you who told me years ago I had to be sensible as I got older I have one reply, No chance of that happening any day soon, I’ll be sensible enough after I’m dead and no I do not feel my age.
This is my latest painting still undergoing changes, I'm trying a bit of abstract art

At the hospital the other day this elderly chap rudely pushed to the front of the queue and said I’m a senior citizen I’m 60, so am I said I and there is a queue. If he had been polite and asked did I mind I would not have objected as it was he just told me no way I was 60. I did not want a party as it is my idea of hell so we just celebrated with friends, Geeta was still in hospital but she got to share in my opening my presents on the ward with everyone watching. 

Updates on Chris and Geeta
Firstly Chris
We have seen all three consultants again, Nephrology, Respiratory and Dermatology
After long waits and many tests things are looking good Praise the Lord. His breathing is not back to 100% but is around 70% which is a huge difference, he still gets tired and breathless but it is improving with treatment. He has not returned to work yet he is hoping to go in either tomorrow or next week.
His kidney function is now in the high end of normal and his blood pressure stable on treatment. Fortunately he is not going to need a kidney biopsy at this time. He is to be reviewed in one month, which will mean more tests before seeing the consultants. We truly believe that the Lord has his hand on Chris and his health, we have had friends here also praying for his healing. Throughout this illness Chris has had severe back pain often making it difficult to walk or move, initially it was thought to be kidney related but we are not so sure now and it appears to be spinal in the sacro iliac region, we intend seeking advice from a Chiropractor or Osteopath if we can find one as it is really limiting what Chris can do physically, in fact we were due to go to work today for the external Thesis jury but Chris had had severe back pain overnight and difficulty moving this morning we had to cancel. However I do suspect that Chris might have overdone things yesterday. After all you can’t keep a good man down and I’d rather he overdid it sometimes rather than giving in and becoming a couch potato. We continue to put our trust in the Lord and let him steer our course.

She has had her second skin graft and the dressing was removed and dressed again yesterday. The first skin graft was a failure but the graft donor site healed well. 

Geeta looking lovely in her party dress

Geeta in hospital

The second graft has been a partial success so the doctors are pleased and there is no infection. She will have the dressing rechecked by the doctors on Wednesday. I think she must have been really worrying about whether it worked because she was great for the dressing to be removed then extremely upset and it was checked and redressed. It took several of us to keep her steady for the doctor to continue, so alas I could not take any photos neither could the doctor. When we got home we had a private chat and she told me she was scared the skin seeds had not taken, reassuring her she is now content that it will be a very slow process and many operations in the future. 

Below happy pictures of Geeta dancing in the rain and playing with her cousin Prem

Cousins playing making a den
Geeta in the rain but very aware
she couldn't get her dressing wet

Home made mutton and
potato pies yummy just
like you get at Peters bakery

Baked Egg Custard tart, can't believe I never made this for Chris before, it has 12 eggs

Well that's all from us this month hope you enjoyed it
Take care and God Bless
Chris and Kris in hot Udaipur 41c today, oh for monsoon rains

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