Living by His word.
Many times
in our lives we can become lost, disillusioned, and unsure of where we are
For Kris
and I that is still true. People say that if you accept Jesus as your saviour
you are never alone. So often this is interpreted as ‘everything will now be ok
in your life’
. Well that isn’t what it means. No, we believe it simply means Christ will be there to guide you if you let Him.. Follow His way and a new life will be yours. He is our shepherd though life. We can still stray and go our own way but then it is easy to become lost. Jesus told this story to the Pharisees who were complaining that he was associating with sinners who had lost their way in life.
"Which of you men, if you had one hundred
sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn't leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness,
and go after the one that was lost, until he found it? When he has found it, he
carries it on his shoulders, rejoicing. When he comes home, he calls together
his friends, his family and his neighbours, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me,
for I have found my sheep which was lost!' I tell you that even so there will
be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine
righteous people who need no repentance."
— Luke 15:3-7
Jesus cares
for all His sheep without exception. When you stray He will search for you but
you must remember that you have to make the choice to follow Him or not. If you
choose to follow Him your life changes, you really see for the first time, to
know his love is beyond explanation. The commandments guide us, if you like
they describe what is required of us to be follower of the Lord. But more than
this is required. You must try to live as Jesus did, without sin. Put simply,
we can’t, no matter who you are you can never be perfect as Christ was but you
must try, you must never stop trying.
To become
lost is easy. We look at all those with wealth who cheat lie and steal and are
having a great time and wonder if this being a Christian really is worth it.
Jesus said to a man, "If you
wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you
will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."
Kris and I did just that, we sold
everything we owned, gave it to the poor and came to India following His word.
We were afraid, we
worried about the future but we never doubted His word. Money, fame, wealth,
what is it all really worth if you lose sight of God to get it?
where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
We cannot
apply two standards, if you follow the Lord it must be in action as well as in
words. To stand in church on a Sunday praising Him and then on Money cheat or lie,
or sin deliberately does not work. God knows your heart; He knows the ‘real’
you even if nobody else does, you can’t fool Him..
Since that time we have often thought of our life with the Lord as being
in a small boat on the ocean. He is steering, we do the paddling.
In the sea of life there are rocks, sandbars, storms that will sink your
boat. If you let the Lord steer your life He will help you through those times
maybe even avoid some of them altogether. We have always found that the worst
times for us are when we stop listening to God and try to steer our boat ourselves.
Only He knows the way, only He can guide you in hard times. Never forget YOU
have the choice to allow Him to steer or not. It requires you to look at others
in need and help, not just on a Sunday in the collection plate but every day.
How often does God place before us a person in need? We see them but do we act?
If you truly follow the teachings of Jesus then you must help, you cannot just
walk by. Only you can decide what to believe and what to follow, I can only
tell you this. Since that day when we truly committed to His way and followed
Him and His teachings our lives have changed so much. We see the wonders of
life, the pain, the suffering, the greed, the crime and the breakdown of
society and know that it is by choice that the world is the way it is.
We chose Christ, we try every day to be as he was, we fail everyday but
there is such joy in trying. There are many who think that a house, car, money
in the bank is what matters no matter what you have to do to get them.
They are simply wrong. You cannot put money ahead of the Lord, you either
worship Him or money, your choice. I know it is hard; it is hard for us to give
what spare money we have to the poor, to abandon a long looked forward to and
saved for holiday because the Lord placed a little girl who needs our help in
our path. To commit to the Lord is to fully commit. It isn’t always easy but it
is always joyful.
Garden, planting my new heated propagator.

Now fully shaded kitchen garden, summer is coming.

Homemade burger press, a piece of pipe and a spare drill handle

It’s been a short but interesting month that has simply gone too fast.
Chris celebrated his birthday quietly we had been going to go to the Udaipur World Music Festival but alas did not make it. We did however celebrate quietly at home with friends and family. I got Chris’s cake from a different bakery where I buy my biscuits from and it was superb.
Chris broke his finger just at the knuckle on his left hand so driving has not been possible for a few days, it is healing now but remains strapped up to support and immobilise it. No doubt he’ll be back to normal soon. (If that’s possible tee hee) We have been able to keep up with the six nations rugby and since Wales beat England (who gave it away) Chris has been grinning away and reminding me at every opportunity.
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Broken little finger |
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Our latest build, a shelving unit for Kris in her studio. |
Garden, planting my new heated propagator.
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My garden assistant |

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Confused! |
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Our local hospital |
I was just reminiscing the other day with Chris and friends about him telling me our caterers had been prosecuted for rat droppings in the mince just before our wedding.
Of course he was joking but I did not realise it for several days. The thing was his information about environmental health’s procedures was so spot on, I had forgotten I’d given him all the info he needed when I told him about my experience out with Environmental Health when I was training to be a health visitor. He even told me a friend Andrew had confirmed this and gullible me believed him as he had met Andrew that evening at Church.
I kept saying but I’ve been in their kitchens and they’re spotless, he just said they would be as they’re having weekly inspections to put the problem right. But I did get my own back I told him my wedding gown would not have a train and that it was dark purple. As usual he said ok if that’s what I wanted but I knew he’d prefer something more traditional for me to wear. The shop in Boroughbridge where I bought my gown was in on the joke she gave me two swatches of purple material to show him and see which shade he liked best. His face was a picture when I turned up in my bridal gown with long train in Ivory.
I don’t think he was disappointed though. And for those who know me so well I confirm I did not have jeans on underneath or wear trainers even though they do make bridal trainers these days. Yes it was a memorable day neither of us will ever forget and we did it our way.
Made it to another Birthday
A really good guide. |
Kris has been making burgers (Goat)

Really yummy

Homemade burger press, a piece of pipe and a spare drill handle

Comments from Kris
Update on
We were
seeing progress with Geeta’s arm even
though the skin was fragile but alas she fell heavily on her arm and it has
been very painful for her to have her dressings done, we are now however seeing
progress once again so thank God for that and one very brave and tough young
child. Geeta’s new expression is splat for when either I slip and fall or she
does. At least now she laughs when one of us or the dogs loses our footing
hence splat. We are trying to arrange a second opinion with her treatment and
future surgery, and may need to go to Ahmedabad about 165 miles away. A friend
has offered to take us which would be better for Geeta that way there would be
no chance of any pushing or shoving her as there would be by bus or train. We
should know in the next couple of weeks if we can’t get a good second opinion
nearer to home.
Were still
home teaching Geeta, so if anyone has any helpful suggestions especially to
online teaching I’d be grateful. Actually it’s really lovely to teach her she
actually asks to go to school and to sing her ABC’s which she is getting better
at. I still get confused when she’s talking excitedly with English, Hindi and
Mewari but she is definitely helping me with my Hindi. We’ve been to the big
supermarket and a smaller supermarket to buy food which she liked, we went by
taxi as I do not feel comfortable taking her on my scooter. This is a great
adventure for her and she tells me what the Hindi names are for things. We do
get some strange looks but people who know me know she’s my niece. She is so
well behaved and a pleasure to take out, obviously with Mamma’s permission. Not decided where we will go for our next
adventure. I just have to be careful not to say I’m off to the Mundi (Market)
in here earshot as last time she told her mamma that she was going with me, but
I’ve explained to her that it is up to Mamma as to whether she can go.
Geeta is
getting used to us going to college but she does not like it and is very
excited to see us return.
continues to show her how plants grow and she has planted seeds and onions and
her latest toy is a metal watering can just her size which she loves and its
yellow. Chris is extremely patient with her although he does miss his morning
peace and quiet to enjoy his coffee.
Last month
I got a personal invitation to the inaugural opening of the World rock art
exhibition in Udaipur, unfortunately I was unwell with a fever and lost voice
so could not make it but as the exhibition was on for a couple of weeks I
thought I will surely go. It’s typical that when you plan these things it does
not work out how you thought it would but at last on the final day of the
exhibition I went. It was really interesting obviously no actual rock art but
lots of good quality large images of different types of rock art and some mock
ups of what some of the rock art looks like. The young man curating was very
knowledgeable and eager to share his enthusiasm, his small amount of English
and my small amount of Hindi worked a treat. Interestingly a lot of India’s
rock art was featured but there is none here in the city but Chris and I might
visit Jaipur in the future to view some.
Geeta and the ever expanding family! |
The constant banana supply! Kris at one of our local fruit stalls.
Our third year students looking at a nursery for their landscape studies.
'Prince' who's family run the nursery. He is a qualified horticulturist and gives his time to help students. |
We try to do trips out as much as we can, its not all learnt in the classroom.
Garden beasties
Well that’s all from us this month hope you’re all well and enjoying life
God Bless from
Chris and Kris, Dalu, Geeta, the chickens and the dogs in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
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