Hello again from India.
This month
we continue with our story of Geeta; one of our dogs is ill, and the sidecar
saga continues, some chickens leave us and we had a weekend away with the bike club..
Kris broke her toe. .......again!
Oh yeah, and
IBS sucks.
This is from January's blog. Worth repeating I think. As things are at present in the UK with the rape gangs and the racial tension, dissent over Brexit and rising homelessness perhaps we should change the title to;
What happens when you take God out of your life.
Happens When You Take God Out Of Schools)
I still think this is a very powerful piece of writing from the internet. It is
based on American society but reflects on all of us.
Please read and forward if you believe we should all look closely at what our faithless society is becoming. It is our society and our responsibility. Why do we allow corruption to tear us apart?
Please read and forward if you believe we should all look closely at what our faithless society is becoming. It is our society and our responsibility. Why do we allow corruption to tear us apart?
Let's see, I think it started when Madeline
Murray O'Hare complained(In the USA) she didn't want any prayer in
our schools,
and we said OK.
Then someone said you better not read the Bible
in school.... the Bible that says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal,
and love your neighbour as yourself.
And we said OK.
Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our
children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped
and we might damage their self-esteem. And we said an expert should know what
he's talking about so
we said OK, we won't spank them anymore.
Then someone said teachers and principals better
not discipline our children when they misbehave. And the school administrators
said no faculty member in this school better touch a student when they
misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want to
be sued. (There's a big difference between disciplining and touching, beating,
smacking, humiliating, kicking, etc.)
And we accepted their reasoning and said OK.
Then someone said, let's let our daughters have
abortions if they want, and they won't even have to tell their parents.
And we said that's a grand idea. OK
Then some wise school board member said, since
boys will be boys and they're going to do it anyway, let's give our sons all
the condoms they want so they can have all the fun they desire, and we won't
have to tell their parents they got them at school. And we said OK
Then some of our top elected officials said it
doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs. And agreeing
with them, we said it doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the President,
does in private as long as I have a job and the economy is good.
We said fine, sounds OK.
And the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and
movies that promote profanity, violence, and illicit sex. We said OK
We gave politicians the right to lie to us without censure, make promises they will never keep just to get your vote. To behave as we, the ordinary people dare not.
To be above the law of our land. To pay themselves huge salaries when the people are starving and homeless. They say that's OK as long as it isn't us.
To be above the law of our land. To pay themselves huge salaries when the people are starving and homeless. They say that's OK as long as it isn't us.
Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves. Why they have no social values. Why the police can no longer maintain law and order, why the courts no longer serve justice to all, why has this happened? This is NOT OK.
Probably, if we think about it long and hard
enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE
Only we with God as our beacon can save our society. We don't have long, do not delay, society is breaking down but so many close their eyes to it because it isn't affecting them personally YET.
Get your head out of the sand and see how you can help our people, all of them before you look about and ask 'How could this have happened'.
And this;
Only we with God as our beacon can save our society. We don't have long, do not delay, society is breaking down but so many close their eyes to it because it isn't affecting them personally YET.
Get your head out of the sand and see how you can help our people, all of them before you look about and ask 'How could this have happened'.
And this;
Funny how simple it is for people to trash God
and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe what the
newspapers (and the internet) say, but question what the
Bible says.
Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven
provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible
Funny how someone can say "I believe in
God" but still follow Satan who, by the way, also "believes" in
Funny how we are quick to judge but not to be
Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes'
through e-mail (and the internet) they spread like wildfire,
but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about
Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene
pass freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion of Jesus is
suppressed in the school and workplace.
Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ
on Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week.
Funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to
many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what
they will think of you for sending it to them.
Funny how I can be more worried about what other
people think of me than what God thinks of me.
Are you thinking?
Pass it on if you think it has merit! If not
then just discard it....no one will ever know what you did, for sure. But, if
you discard this thought process, then don't sit back and complain about what a
bad shape the world is in.....
Well she
continues to come out of her shell and is very chatty and energetic these days.
She still gets distressed at dressing her arm time but that’s to be expected
after all it must be mega painful, but she copes well and we have seen definite
improvement with some new skin growth but there is still a long way to go yet,
so your prayers are most welcome.
I know Kris
will tell you all about Geeta so all I am going to do personally is this
simple statement.
Mornings, a
time of coffee and quiet, a gentle slide into the day. Perhaps the paper to
read or a wander around the garden.
Now we have a lunatic who runs around going ‘tickle tickle’ and wanting to talk
to me. Yes TALK, how am I ever going to cope.
Chris and I
play games with her and she is very bright, we will introduce lessons soon at
the moment we’ve been encouraging her to play, draw and paint, even Dloo has
been copying us and now plays with her.
New word is
Kerching where that came from I do not know, neither Chris nor I use it.
Geeta was
carrying her precious blocks, and alphabet around in a bag, making sure they
were safe so I felt a project coming on make a toy box. I tried to get her to
help paint it but she was reluctant when I tried to put a protective t shirt on
her before touching the artist’s acrylic paint. But she watched with
fascination and had no idea it was to be hers.
Geeta has a toy box, made by Kris. |
New toy box
is an old cardboard box painted and attached lid made to fit she loves it
clearly knows its hers no one else’s she lets Chris and I go in it but wouldn’t
let our friend Harshit go into it. Getting more confident walking and going up
and down stairs.
Yes it was
me who taught her tickle tickle sorry Chris but you taught her hi fives and
other things.
She still
loves her teddy and a neighbour and friend gave her a small teddy which she
calls teddy’s baby. People have been so accepting of her it’s nice to see it is
giving her mother confidence that she will not be shunned when she’s older
because of her burns especially on her face.
Some of my
humanities students met Geeta today when they had their lecture at our home; it
was good for them to meet her personally as I used Geeta as a case study to
depict Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs a while ago. Geeta clung to me and her
mother and was a little shy with the student’s but next time she’ll be chatty.
The plan is
to get her blood tests, swabs and digital x ray repeated this week then off to
the plastic surgeon for a review of her condition. I am expecting some
improvement in her blood work as she’s eating more fruit and veg. Interesting
fact we buy a minimum of 10 (yes Ten) kg of bananas a week and that’s just
Geeta’s consumption, she is eating apples now where previously she didn’t like
them and pomegranate’s and Papaya from
the garden. She still loves Roti and milk, so we have upped our milk order to 2
litres a day, that way Chris gets a chance of a drink.
Her arm as
I said is improving but we still have a couple of areas of concern which are
black, I keep checking to make sure it doesn’t turn necrotic. There is still an
infection of her wound but that will take some time to clear as it was well
established and she’s already had oral and topical antibiotics for it. At
present we are doing daily dressings and Geeta is coping better. She’s a very
brave little girl and has a wonderful little personality. We must protect her
from damaging the arm when she falls which she will do she’s an active little
girl, so I’m putting more padding on the vulnerable areas. I have a new
assistant when I’m dressing the burn, Chris he holds Geeta’s hand and also
distracts her sometimes with a blown up medical glove which she thinks is very
funny and has put it in her toy box.
Yesterday Amber
told us that Dloos husband would be visiting arriving around 7pm and staying
overnight. Yes Rupesh arrived still a little nervous of us, we sat him down
with a lager as Chris and our friend were drinking one too. He relaxed quickly
joined us for dinner, and then retired to bed. Geeta enjoyed sitting on the
sofa with him watching tv, but she found it hard when he left this morning.
What to say
about Geeta well without a shadow of doubt she has certainly captured our
WARNING Graphic image.
This shows Geeta’s arm and hand after two months of intensive
care here by Kris. This is great news as you can see new skin is forming even
over the elbow where bone was exposed. Healing is taking place.
We have deliberately not posted pictures of the original
condition because they are very upsetting and it serves no purpose.
The fireplace is progressing. The brickwork is finished and I
have completed the steel surround. Work is on hold at the moment as it is THAT
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Peter vandalising our wall |

Don't want to talk about it.
October again, seems to come around awfully quickly. Yes is
visa time again this year its £845 so it has gone up since last year. Needless
to say all projects are on hold. We are lucky to have such a good relationship with the FRO here. They approve of us and the work we do for the community.
Bowel Syndrome.
Well I knew
IBS was going to affect me but it really is a pain. Ok, I’ve got some meds that
help as a preventative measure but not always.
What does
it really mean to have IBS? Well your best friend becomes the bathroom during
an attack that can last for days. Forget a night’s sleep you are up five or six
times at least to go visit the bath room. You feel completely exhausted and
everything becomes an effort. Then there’s the continual back ache, really
wears you down after a while.
We are at
the moment doing a ‘what food triggers it’ So far we have found one only………..Kentucky
fried chicken…..had to be just about my favourite way to eat chicken! There
will be other things that we will discover as time goes on.
I’m ok with
spice, we are both surprised by that but even the really hot foods don’t seem
to bother it. Garlic and Pizza are also ok.
Going out
becomes a question of ‘how do I feel,……is it safe.? Jeep rides are definitely
carefully considered, the bouncing can be a problem!
Today I was
supposed to go shopping for wall lamps but woke up with that tummy in trouble
feeling so had to cancel. It’s perishing annoying!
I have one
med that stops it stone cold, problem is it stops everything for 24hrs and guarantees
a bad next day. Use only in emergency.
What causes
it is open to debate as is how long it can last. Some people have this for a
lifetime so I am very fortunate that it has occurred later in my life. It only
seems to occur every few weeks so things could be a lot worse.
I will
learn to live with it and cope, many other do. One thing it won’t do, it won’t
stop me and Kris living our lives to the full.
Update; add
peanuts to the list.
Poor Chilly
has epilepsy, mild at the moment but she is fitting almost every day. We have
had the vet here and she is now on medication to try and help her. Our major
problem is Bleu’ has become very aggressive towards her and wants to fight her
at every opportunity. Consequently we now have to keep them separate. We have
bought muzzles and hope that with patience we can get them to stop this behaviour
as Chilly improves. The problem according to the vet is that Bleu’ knows Chilly
is not well and has fits. These are one step from wild dogs and still have all
the instincts of the pack animal. Bleu’ is trying to drive her from the pack
because she senses Chilli isn’t herself and she must not be allowed to breed in
the pack. This makes sense in the wild and all Bleu’ is doing is following her instinct
so we can’t be hard on her.
We hope in time this behaviour will pass as Chilli improves,
if it doesn’t then we have a major problem. Keeping them apart is at best a
temporary solution, so we are trying to help them tolerate each other but it is
very difficult. There is no chance of rehoming, even the pups can’t be found
homes so what chance Chilly. There are two solutions open to us. Have her put
down or take her to an area she doesn’t know and leave her with the street dogs
there. We will never have her put down, and abandoning her is abhorrent to us.
Please pray for them both.
From Kris
From Kris
There has
been a little jealousy especially since Geeta arrived but whilst we were away
they started to get snarly towards one another and becoming aggressive with
each other, strange behaviour for them. They had been pining for us and both
had lost weight. We have since seen the
vet and Chilli has epilepsy just petit mal seizures but they need controlling. We are now keeping them apart the best we can
as Chilli is unwell and Bleu doesn’t understand. They are reluctant to start
anticonvulsants and at the moment she’s on vitamin and omega supplements to try
and strengthen her brain, she will be reviewed in a week. It’s very worrying
and once she starts anticonvulsants she’ll be on them for life. It’s quite
stressful for both dogs and Chilli gets panicky and disorientated following a
fit and then very sleepy. We intend to do our best for both dogs so please pray
that we find an acceptable way for them to live together and become friends
again. Update from the vet she is to start trial of anticonvulsants for a month
so watch this space.
Poor little Chilli, she is so confused by all that is happening to her. |
The sidecar
Kris and me are both looking forward to being able to ride
together again.
Made by an Indian company Inder Exports Plot No. 2,
Focal Point, Industrial Area, Naya, ndustrial Area, Naya, Nangal-140126,
Punjab, India.
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In its box almost ready for shipping. |
Out for
delivery from the factory. We estimate three to four days shipping to get here
so you never know maybe by the time this is due to be published it may be here.
I will update.
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At the factory prior to packing ready to ship. |
They make a selection of different sidecars but we thought that the Desert Storm bike we have would go well with their ‘Classic’ model.
As a young man I had ridden many miles solo and enjoyed the solitude and freedom to go where the road took me. On one occasion I told a current girlfriend I was going out for a ride, I telephone 8hrs later to tell her ‘I will see you tomorrow’ from Scotland. Solo riding was nothing new to me but there was a major snag. Kris and I have been riding together now for 7yrs, the sheer fun we have had on that bike is incredible, from exploring the far south of India to falling off cross country riding in 18” of mud. We have many stories to tell. I can’t ride solo, it doesn’t feel right not having my riding partner with me, where’s the fun of exploring alone and sending photographs home?
No matter how long before we ride again it will be worth it.
Chennai, this years venue for the IBRMC party and national meet
It may take a few months to fit as we have to buy some parts and fit a role cage as well as alter the bikes front suspension and money is very tight just now.
No matter how long before we ride again it will be worth it.
Riding with
certainly covered a few miles on the bike since we came to India, I felt guilty
I couldn’t ride pillion anymore but the pain in my joints just wouldn’t permit
it. I definitely encouraged Chris to modify his bike to go solo, after all he’s
been riding for over 50years. I didn’t want to be the reason he stopped riding.
Although Chris started the rebuild with a lot of enthusiasm, some had rubbed
off by the time it was complete. Chris went out once or twice but only short
rides and didn’t seem excited to go on organised rides alone. I felt he was
unsure if he wanted to ride anymore as he talked more about going out and about
in the jeep. I actually missed riding and getting out and about but kept this
to myself as any decision he made had to be his alone.
Then he
told me he regretted not being able to share the biking experience with me and
had a suggestion. Yes it was the sidecar, and without a doubt I thought
fabulous, I get my own comfy seat and a better view of where were going and
we’d still be sharing our experiences. So for me Sidecar Project is a Win Win
I’m really
excited yet nervous about getting into the sidecar but looking forward to
visiting places like Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Jaipur. I think I’m nervous
in case I have to lean out the other side of the sidecar to the bike if it
lifts off the ground, I’m not as quick as I used to be or agile for that
matter. Mind you if it becomes necessary I will do my best. I am expecting to
fall out of it at some point so at least I’m prepared for that. I still want a
water pistol and water supply to fire at people but will have to settle on only
doing it at Holi when its fairly common practise.
(Chris, I have told Kris she has to lean out over the wheel on left handers the further the better.........he he. This is a revenge joke from her playing them on me!)
We flew to
Chennai as we couldn’t take time off work for a longer break, it was a direct
flight so no hassle there, we travelled with other guys from Udaipur who are
part of IBRMC. When we got there we had a minibus to take us to the resort.
The resort
was nice but heavy rain was expected but apart from a few showers when we
arrived it stayed nice. Our room was great and we found the restaurant served
burgers and tenderloin steak so we decided to eat in the restaurant rather than
the food that was provided for our group. We don’t regret that decision at all
and the food was fabulous and yummy, alas they didn’t serve alcohol so no
bottle of wine with our meal. It was nice to catch up with old friends and make
new ones along the way; we definitely needed the break away.
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A couple of them |
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old biker dudes. |
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Just off the plane at Chennai for the annual club meet |
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I'm tired |

Off road race at the annual meet, Kris's rakhi brother was second.
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Nima Soman from Bengaluru been riding one year only and the only lady to compete in the off road competition. Well done Nima looking forward to catching up with you soon. |

We had a great weekend catching up with lots of friends and
just being silly. It did us both good to get away for a break. Kris found out
that the restaurant listed ‘beef burger’ on its menu. It also listed tenderloin
steak. Guess where we ate all weekend!
Next year
it is in Mumbai, we will be riding with the new sidecar. The only one in the
club. We are also the only members of the Federation of Side Car Clubs in
India. Registered in the UK.
We have
never seen a sidecar in India, there are probably some but this one is sure to
turn a few heads.
Baby lizard in the garden
Broken toe...........again Kris
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We knew it was broken, it wobbled about |
My broken
Well after
stubbing my toe on furniture and the marble stairs it was a little sore, so
what did I do next. Obviously I stubbed it and this time I broke the toe so
Chris strapped it up and I set about getting the swelling to go down. Yes very
painful but no doubt about the break. Chris laughed! No point in going to the
hospital they would have just done the same as we did. I feel fated I keep
stubbing and knocking my broken toe, so it’s taking a little longer to heal,
bruising is still coming out. At least I can get my trainers on so I have
protection when I’m walking outside. You can still feel the actual break in the
toe ugh
all our cocks have gone (8) they are off to Amber’s to
fatten, then
sell, and we split 50/50 with Amber. This pays for all the costs of buying and
rearing them as well as the 12 hens that came from this batch.
We will now wait
until they start to lay, probably in about a month.
Good result this time, it’s
usually 60% males in a flock we buy. Only as they grow can you tell what sex
they are.
We only buy the registered endangered species of the Rajasthan native
bird from the agricultural college. So many people have abandoned them for the
big white broiler as it is cheap, lays well (white eggs) and makes a good
eating bird at two years old. However in the market the Pratik Dan eggs
bring a premium for their rich taste. Each hen lays two eggs in three days.
broiler lays every day in a cage where it lives until two years old then it is killed
and sold as meat.
We have
happy, well fed free range hens that lay well into year 3 or 4 so they get a
better and longer life. We are also helping to preserve a breed that has
existed here for centuries. When they stop laying and their time comes they are
killed quickly and without distress.
Kris got me cooking again.
Kris got me cooking again.
Mediterranean chicken was mega yummy, If this is the way to eat chicken and
vegetables more regularly I say more, more, more Chris. I just can’t wait to see what he concocts
next, I’m a happy guinea pig so long as it doesn’t contain milk and cheese or
Well that's all for this month take care and God Bless from Chris, Kris, Dloo and Geeta in Jeevan Tara Colony, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
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