Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Update from India 14

Where is the time going.........whooosh another month.

Continuing last months theme, 'The Ten Commandments' We had a look at one and two last month so I thought why not continue; As I said previously I am not a bible scholar or theologian, but I hope that by looking at the commandments with you I can bring a little common sense to bear and perhaps help you and I to live by them in the 21st century.
Please all of you that disagree with this, that's your right, this is our opinion and how we look at the commandments.
So here it is, the third of Gods commandments to us:

3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

This one sounds easy doesn't it, at least that's what I thought until I really did think about what it was actually saying.
The words "Oh my God", "Oh Jesus", "Jesus H. Christ", "Oh Lord", (or often worse) etc, uttered when frustrated, exasperated, afraid, irritated, angry etc this is blasphemy plain and simple. This is the big no no.
But there's more to it than just this isn't there:
This also includes taking the name of a Christian and pretending to be one when one is not, the 'reverend Chris' appealing on TV for cash could be one instance.....the more you send the more you are blessed, does that sound familiar?
It also includes deliberately ridiculing the name of God and all He stands for, some well known movies do this.
The meaning of why this is all an offence is that almighty God is a Holy God and  His name is also Holy and thus not to be despised or treated lightly. You risk your very soul as you do this.
It means He is perfect both in Himself and in all His ways, even if we don't always understand them
This applies not just to actual acts but even to our thoughts:- 
Mat 5:27-28 KJV You have heard that it was said to the ancients, "You shall not commit adultery.         " [v. 28] But I say to you that whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Now I don't know about you but that's me in trouble!  Oh and don't complain when you die 'nobody told me' they have and no doubt will again. Your choice to ignore God will damn you, remember it is your choice nobody is forcing you.
We are all tempted daily, how many can say they haven't looked at a beautiful woman or a gorgeous guy and had a twitch of an impure thought? or sworn when angry using His name?
It comes down to this as far as I can see, what you think is as sinful as what you do. Your thoughts come from your 'mind set' if you are a truly pure in your 'self' pure of spirit so will your thoughts be, and of course your deeds. And that I believe is the true key to this commandment, by obeying it you change your thoughts, even the way you think, and therefore your deeds and become nearer to Him.
So bottom line, think and be pure of spirit and through your deeds by example you will bring others to His love and in so doing you remove any chance of the devil gaining a foothold in you. 
So be careful what you think, God and the devil are both listening, remember 'at all times take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one', so when we fail as we all do God's love will always be our salvation and our eternal strength and his forgiveness is never all his commandments its your choice to obey or not, but please remember it is a commandment not a request.

Gentlemen, I urge you never to say to your wife 'where would you like your herb garden my love'
Remember that untidy patch of grass and weeds at the front.............

This is the beginnings of our herb garden a big change from how it was covered in weeds

Work in progress this is the posts being cemented in

The placing of the herb planters these are to be painted yet.

This is the view from the front of the house 

You will have to wait to see the finished garden

Yes it is one of the flower pot women, guess who!


The 'Herb Garden' has so far cost me six giant pots three medium pots, membrane, infill gravel to level, bricks, three trees one each of  Lemon, Orange and a Jack fruit (don't ask, I have no idea) 80bags of 25kilo mixed colour chippings almost concidered waste here so was as cheap as .....not going to say it! and so the list continues, the wire fence is to keep the cows out................update next month! Oh yeah, did you spot the gnome!

Project two..... My Enfield now also has a home. It has to share though!

Early stages of building 

Gluing the joints is delicate work and needs concentration

Adding strength to the bamboo frame 

Kris trying to escape the building work

It is not going to stay up this is just a test for size before it is covered

All laid out ready to be covered in tarpaulin to weatherproof walls and roof

Believe it or not no nails or screws have been used just slots cut and all fitted together tied with glued string.
Wall with tarpaulin cover not keen on colour but better than the orange I could have had

The finished garage with metal roof keeps our beloved bikes dry in monsoon, Chris worked very hard to build this
Further view with painted walls to blend in with house colour

   The whole neighbourhood was once again trying to work out what the weird couple were doing this time. Frame by frame like an old film it revealed itself...its a garage! 12 lengths of bamboo and three plastic tarpaulins the roof is made the same way but with an added layer of corrugated tin. Please note the added feature of the roller door! All Fixed to house and concrete drive.

          tastefully painted to match the house.
                                         And being well guarded by Hoppity

Indian wasps have a sting that's a proper sting, none of your softy UK wasps these things are the size of a small plane (well that may be a slight exaggeration, but i do stress slight!) they attack just because you are clipping 'their' hedge, and boy do they get upset fast! Next time I will run away, this was the result of one sting that I swept off as soon as I felt it. 15mins later. Oh and it was in my index finger.
Chris's poor hand after  wasp sting, it got bigger by the way.

I am teaching two courses of students Chringlish at the moment with every chance that by this time next month that will be 30plus students a week.
We begin our next serious project this month by presenting to schools how Sodis works and asking for their help collecting bottles. Next months blog will have a feature on Sodis, how it works, death rates from bad water , all cheery stuff! all by Kris as I am the builder she is the health worker, my job is very easy on this .........I carry stuff.
Kris teaching First Aid and health, it is a slow process.

Home Group

Yes at last we are starting a home group, two Wednesday evenings a month, we are also going to show Christian films on one of the Wednesday's, we have quite a collection so should not need to repeat as often as sky!
If it works or not  is out of our hands, we have told the church, friends, work colleagues the when and where. We will update next month................I hear a voice, have faith, you are my instrument, and I remember so many decisions we have taken because of that small voice that cannot be ignored.

    Nuff said

Comments from Kris

The following is typed left handed and two fingered!

I am not a happy bunny, whilst out shopping I fell and broke 2 fingers and badly bruised my hand, very painful so alas this is all I can write for this blog. My neice says I will do anything to get out of washing up.

Chris.......Getting in some cooking time. What amazed me though was she was walking to her bike with shopping, fell, put the shopping on the bike rode home and walked in with the bags and the comment 'I think I may have hurt my hand'..........

Until next month
God bless you all
Chris and Kris

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