Update 11.
More ramblings from us to you!
Sorry for the long delay with this one life just seemed to get hetic!
Kris and I were given the opportunity to testify to someone (sorry, cant name names) this week, I recounted my past and my journey to Jesus as did Kris. I was reading today and I opened to this. If you are not a Christian or have no faith, read it anyway its a good message.
Psalm 31
Psalm 32
Psalm 33
Kris finding sardines in tins.............mmmmmmmmmmmm yummmmmmy
Finding onion seeds, always grown from small onions so this is new to me.
Sent my first student back in his home village this week, he has gone from the odd English word to understanding most of what is said as long as you keep it simple. I am so proud of him. Another goes next week then we will shut down for the summer as it will be too hot to ride (45-50degC).
The plan is they now teach using a teaching pack Kris and I have made up that is a laminated copy of mine so everything in it is the same as he was taught. We even laminated a piece of A4 card to use as a wipe board and gave him two new marker pens in his kit. I will keep in touch with both and visit as required until they gain enough confidence to just get on with it. They also have my phone number to call if they need to. Follow up for this project to succeed is vital, students must feel part of a network, not abandoned. This project must not only be about numbers through but about training some as teachers as well as teaching most spoken English, like ripples on a pond after you drop a stone, the effect spreads and that is what I want this course to do.
Really good news as well, another NGO (PACE) wants to see my method as does a Hindu School.
The course is copyrighted so it will always be free to anyone who wants it and can use it. Both Kris and I feel very strongly that when you charge for educational material such as this the very poor have no way to access it, so what good can it do in the poorest villages.
I have been asked to speak at a teachers induction course in a school in Surat about ten hours by train away staying with them for three or four days and show my method also explain why dedication and being willing to try a new technique is important in a teaching career...........me, who would ever have thought it.
I have also been asked to speak at their church on the Saturday...yep 7th day Adventists, doing some reading on them, from what I have read we have more in common than differences and as Jesus said (para phase) it doesn't matter when you pray as long as it is from the heart.
I have found a way to purify water at zero cost! I cant take the credit for this one, the method was developed by a scientist (Swiss I think) it used the UVa from the Sun the kill the nasties for more info on it have a look at the link.
All we need is to know how much water per day you want and divide that into 2ltr bottles so if you drink 6ltrs per day you need 3 bottles x 3 days = 9 bottles, you will also need 1 piece of corrugated iron roof steel, and that's it!!! no other costs. Check it out, we are going to push hard to get this implemented NOW
We have collected dozens of bottles and Debi (MD of Pragati Marg Foundation) is getting the corrugated iron.
We have what the method needs, infected water and lots of sun, its almost been designed for use in Rajasthan.
Will keep you up to date on this.
The foundations are done and the walls begun! Looks so much bigger than the old building doesn't it.
I know, here I go again, we are still very short of money and have not got enough to finish the build, we are trusting in God to provide so PLEASE if you can only give £1 get it to Andrew Westerman Emmanuel Church ( Durham Centre) Belmont Ind Estate Durham DH1 1TN. £2 pays a labourer for one day, Bricks are 25rupees each 3p! Send £250 and we will name a wall after you! Send more than that and you can choose what to name! PLEASE don't just move on these children need your help now.........this is not a random donation where you will never know what happened to your money, here we are building a better life for these boys and many others who will one day use this building.
Don't hold back, what else could you spend it on where it will do as much good? Give and be part of this as so many others who have given so generously already are. How much is a packet of cigeretts now or a bottle of scotch? Missone meal and give what yoi would have spent, please do something to help us, put your faith in God and give with a joyous heart.
One other thought, and yes I admit this is a direct appeal to your heart, think, what if this were your child in need not some indian who you will never meet, what if it was your John or Lee or bill or whoever and they were depending on a strangers gift, look into your heart, then your pocket. And to those who dont know Kris and my story and ask what have we given, I will answer you, everything we owned, all our possesions were sold before we came here and the money given for this project.
Anniversary, Two years of wedded bliss! (mostly!)

We had Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and Christian all together all enjoying themselves. It was a really fantastic night. The welsh English and Indian flags greeted guests.
More ramblings from us to you!
Sorry for the long delay with this one life just seemed to get hetic!
Kris and I were given the opportunity to testify to someone (sorry, cant name names) this week, I recounted my past and my journey to Jesus as did Kris. I was reading today and I opened to this. If you are not a Christian or have no faith, read it anyway its a good message.
1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven,
whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity,
and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
3 For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away
through my groaning all day long.
4 For day and night your hand was heavy upon me;
my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer.
5 I acknowledged my sin to you,
and I did not cover my iniquity;
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.
6 Therefore let everyone who is godly
offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found;
surely in the rush of great waters,
they shall not reach him.
7 You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance.
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
9 Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding,
which must be curbed with bit and bridle,
or it will not stay near you.
10 Many are the sorrows of the wicked,
but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord.
11 Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous,
and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
When I first became a Christian this was one of the things I struggled with, just accepting that God had forgiven me, I was born anew, the old sinful me gone and a new person born all sins forgiven. I am not and never will be perfect, I sin far to often in thought and deed but I am that new person and it is wonderful to know and to feel His love.
That empty place inside is now filled by His love.
I don't fear death now, maybe the manner, but not death itself because I KNOW I am saved and will go to Him, Faith in the world is growing, join us and you too can feel as I and millions like me do, or go on as you are, only you can make the choice to listen and hear His word, go to a church and ask about Jesus. My personal choice would be Emmanuel Church Durham because it is my home Church so I admit to bias, but you do get a good quality coffee for free as well!
Last week I preached for the first time in our new church, my subject was 'To testify or not'.
I thought it felt good but as anyone who preaches will confirm only your brothers and sisters can tell you how it really was. Afterwards I felt drained. For six weeks God put this sermon on my heart, for six weeks he kept reminding me, many times a 3am reminder would come 'do it'. I have discussed it with my pastor who has been very positive about the word i gave, feedback from the church has also been good.
It felt more 'me' than ever before, a different style, well I will let Kris tell you more as she was on the receiving end!
One more point, thank you Andrew.
The garden is producing food, fresh crisp lettuce, carrots, radish, Tomato's, weeds, oh and more weeds, lots of stuff still to come.

our first baby's

Cucumber going v well in the shade tunnel

A mixed pot on the roof

Cherry toms.........yummy

Home grown peppers

Gourds, cucumber and climbing not sure whats

Look carefully just below the new growth in the top, that fruit that is!

Last of the lettuce, 100% success so will now sow in rotation to keep us eating.

Carrots and assorted Radish, Red and a white long root

This really helps. So if it works here.......
Now, the next garden project, stop this sun cooking everything!
Cover the whole garden!

Around the corner and as far as our Mango tree.
We are going all around the garden building this frame then covering with shade net that we can open and close in sections to suit the needs of the plants in each 3m x 2m section. IE cabbage like light and damp but not full Sun, Bitter Gourd loves full Sun.
The difference is amazing, as you walk under it you can feel a breeze and a temp drop, the breeze is we think caused by the temperature difference.
He He The experiment continues! one thing, cant seem to find onion sets or seeds. odd because a lot of onions get used in cooking.

This was crazy, boom flash Bang then a downpour of ....
Rain warm enough to shower in!
We have got the AC working properly now.

The finished job.
Who says you cant make air con go around a corner! When we had it fitted we had to have both in one window as we have this one that looks at the neighbours walls or the big one that looks at the front garden, 'it wont cool the other end, nothing we can do to help if you put them both here it wont work' Said the expert who came to fit them, a little old guy who did the window dis-assembly and fitting.
I beg to differ it works just fine. we took the innards from the output of the ac and fitted it all to the end of some trunking we made and polystyrene lined it, the cold air coming out feels just as cold as the non modified one...
We have also just about finished the work station!
A romantic evening ...........well ok, the power is off but so what!
Things that made me go mmmmmmm
Sat with the AC on thinking how lovely and cool it is, its set at 28degC.
Meeting a new friend
1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven,
whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity,
and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity,
and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
3 For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away
through my groaning all day long.
4 For day and night your hand was heavy upon me;
my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer.
through my groaning all day long.
4 For day and night your hand was heavy upon me;
my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer.
5 I acknowledged my sin to you,
and I did not cover my iniquity;
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.
and I did not cover my iniquity;
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.
6 Therefore let everyone who is godly
offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found;
surely in the rush of great waters,
they shall not reach him.
7 You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance.
offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found;
surely in the rush of great waters,
they shall not reach him.
7 You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance.
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
9 Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding,
which must be curbed with bit and bridle,
or it will not stay near you.
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
9 Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding,
which must be curbed with bit and bridle,
or it will not stay near you.
10 Many are the sorrows of the wicked,
but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord.
11 Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous,
and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord.
11 Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous,
and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
When I first became a Christian this was one of the things I struggled with, just accepting that God had forgiven me, I was born anew, the old sinful me gone and a new person born all sins forgiven. I am not and never will be perfect, I sin far to often in thought and deed but I am that new person and it is wonderful to know and to feel His love.
That empty place inside is now filled by His love.
That empty place inside is now filled by His love.
I don't fear death now, maybe the manner, but not death itself because I KNOW I am saved and will go to Him, Faith in the world is growing, join us and you too can feel as I and millions like me do, or go on as you are, only you can make the choice to listen and hear His word, go to a church and ask about Jesus. My personal choice would be Emmanuel Church Durham because it is my home Church so I admit to bias, but you do get a good quality coffee for free as well!
Last week I preached for the first time in our new church, my subject was 'To testify or not'.
I thought it felt good but as anyone who preaches will confirm only your brothers and sisters can tell you how it really was. Afterwards I felt drained. For six weeks God put this sermon on my heart, for six weeks he kept reminding me, many times a 3am reminder would come 'do it'. I have discussed it with my pastor who has been very positive about the word i gave, feedback from the church has also been good.
It felt more 'me' than ever before, a different style, well I will let Kris tell you more as she was on the receiving end!
One more point, thank you Andrew.
Last week I preached for the first time in our new church, my subject was 'To testify or not'.
I thought it felt good but as anyone who preaches will confirm only your brothers and sisters can tell you how it really was. Afterwards I felt drained. For six weeks God put this sermon on my heart, for six weeks he kept reminding me, many times a 3am reminder would come 'do it'. I have discussed it with my pastor who has been very positive about the word i gave, feedback from the church has also been good.
It felt more 'me' than ever before, a different style, well I will let Kris tell you more as she was on the receiving end!
One more point, thank you Andrew.
The garden is producing food, fresh crisp lettuce, carrots, radish, Tomato's, weeds, oh and more weeds, lots of stuff still to come.
our first baby's |
Cucumber going v well in the shade tunnel |
A mixed pot on the roof |
Cherry toms.........yummy |
Home grown peppers |
Gourds, cucumber and climbing not sure whats |
Look carefully just below the new growth in the top, that fruit that is! |
Last of the lettuce, 100% success so will now sow in rotation to keep us eating. |
Carrots and assorted Radish, Red and a white long root |
This really helps. So if it works here....... |
Now, the next garden project, stop this sun cooking everything!
Cover the whole garden!
Around the corner and as far as our Mango tree. |
We are going all around the garden building this frame then covering with shade net that we can open and close in sections to suit the needs of the plants in each 3m x 2m section. IE cabbage like light and damp but not full Sun, Bitter Gourd loves full Sun.
The difference is amazing, as you walk under it you can feel a breeze and a temp drop, the breeze is we think caused by the temperature difference.
He He The experiment continues! one thing, cant seem to find onion sets or seeds. odd because a lot of onions get used in cooking.
This was crazy, boom flash Bang then a downpour of .... |
Rain warm enough to shower in!
We have got the AC working properly now.
The finished job. |
Who says you cant make air con go around a corner! When we had it fitted we had to have both in one window as we have this one that looks at the neighbours walls or the big one that looks at the front garden, 'it wont cool the other end, nothing we can do to help if you put them both here it wont work' Said the expert who came to fit them, a little old guy who did the window dis-assembly and fitting.
I beg to differ it works just fine. we took the innards from the output of the ac and fitted it all to the end of some trunking we made and polystyrene lined it, the cold air coming out feels just as cold as the non modified one...
We have also just about finished the work station!
A romantic evening ...........well ok, the power is off but so what!
Things that made me go mmmmmmm
Sat with the AC on thinking how lovely and cool it is, its set at 28degC.
Meeting a new friend
Looking at the Sun dead overhead, if you have never seen that its weird, almost no shadow.
Getting up at 6am to get a bike ride in on Sunday before it warms up, going to Haldigati to see a fort and armour museum.
Going up to the roof to water the plants in the shade tent, leaping back into the
top landing after walking out bare footed..........ahhhhhhhhhhh hot.
Kris finding sardines in tins.............mmmmmmmmmmmm yummmmmmy
Finding onion seeds, always grown from small onions so this is new to me.
Sent my first student back in his home village this week, he has gone from the odd English word to understanding most of what is said as long as you keep it simple. I am so proud of him. Another goes next week then we will shut down for the summer as it will be too hot to ride (45-50degC).
The plan is they now teach using a teaching pack Kris and I have made up that is a laminated copy of mine so everything in it is the same as he was taught. We even laminated a piece of A4 card to use as a wipe board and gave him two new marker pens in his kit. I will keep in touch with both and visit as required until they gain enough confidence to just get on with it. They also have my phone number to call if they need to. Follow up for this project to succeed is vital, students must feel part of a network, not abandoned. This project must not only be about numbers through but about training some as teachers as well as teaching most spoken English, like ripples on a pond after you drop a stone, the effect spreads and that is what I want this course to do.
Mr Sunder Lal Khokhariya recieving his certificate |
And Teaching pack, a very proud moment for all concerned. |
Mr Rajmal Lakhumbra recieving his certificate |
And his teaching pack, a very happy man. |
Really good news as well, another NGO (PACE) wants to see my method as does a Hindu School.
The course is copyrighted so it will always be free to anyone who wants it and can use it. Both Kris and I feel very strongly that when you charge for educational material such as this the very poor have no way to access it, so what good can it do in the poorest villages.
I have been asked to speak at a teachers induction course in a school in Surat about ten hours by train away staying with them for three or four days and show my method also explain why dedication and being willing to try a new technique is important in a teaching career...........me, who would ever have thought it.
I have also been asked to speak at their church on the Saturday...yep 7th day Adventists, doing some reading on them, from what I have read we have more in common than differences and as Jesus said (para phase) it doesn't matter when you pray as long as it is from the heart.
I have found a way to purify water at zero cost! I cant take the credit for this one, the method was developed by a scientist (Swiss I think) it used the UVa from the Sun the kill the nasties for more info on it have a look at the link.
All we need is to know how much water per day you want and divide that into 2ltr bottles so if you drink 6ltrs per day you need 3 bottles x 3 days = 9 bottles, you will also need 1 piece of corrugated iron roof steel, and that's it!!! no other costs. Check it out, we are going to push hard to get this implemented NOW
We have collected dozens of bottles and Debi (MD of Pragati Marg Foundation) is getting the corrugated iron.
We have what the method needs, infected water and lots of sun, its almost been designed for use in Rajasthan.
Will keep you up to date on this.
The foundations are done and the walls begun! Looks so much bigger than the old building doesn't it.
I know, here I go again, we are still very short of money and have not got enough to finish the build, we are trusting in God to provide so PLEASE if you can only give £1 get it to Andrew Westerman Emmanuel Church ( Durham Centre) Belmont Ind Estate Durham DH1 1TN. £2 pays a labourer for one day, Bricks are 25rupees each 3p! Send £250 and we will name a wall after you! Send more than that and you can choose what to name! PLEASE don't just move on these children need your help now.........this is not a random donation where you will never know what happened to your money, here we are building a better life for these boys and many others who will one day use this building.
Don't hold back, what else could you spend it on where it will do as much good? Give and be part of this as so many others who have given so generously already are. How much is a packet of cigeretts now or a bottle of scotch? Missone meal and give what yoi would have spent, please do something to help us, put your faith in God and give with a joyous heart.
One other thought, and yes I admit this is a direct appeal to your heart, think, what if this were your child in need not some indian who you will never meet, what if it was your John or Lee or bill or whoever and they were depending on a strangers gift, look into your heart, then your pocket. And to those who dont know Kris and my story and ask what have we given, I will answer you, everything we owned, all our possesions were sold before we came here and the money given for this project.
Anniversary, Two years of wedded bliss! (mostly!)
The lady (rear left) is Shanti Lal's (front right) mother she hand made the garlands for us as a present, what a lovely thing to do. |
The morning after.
Everyone knows we are Christian, in fact we have probably testified to most! All we ask is that they respect our faith as we respect theirs and on that basis we all get on really well. A lot of seeds were sown last night, only God knows which will grow and flourish.
Comments From Kris.
It has been an amazing time since last blog, I will probably forget to put in everything that has happened but here goes. Chris did his sermon at the English Church and it was amazing, I had to keep reminding myself this was Chris speaking and not someone else. He did not hype everyone up into a frenzy or crack a lot of jokes, he merely stated the case clearly with great examples from his own life and that of others. It really challenged me and made me think. I can't wait to hear the next one. It is always easy to know that it is something God has placed in his heart as he gets awoken around 3 to 3.30am by the Lord, prompting him either to write, pray or discuss with me what he feels he should share. Whilst I do find this exciting I confess I am never my best at that time in the morning. He was absolutely drained following sharing the sermon as it takes so much out of him, but at the same time he appears contented to have done so. It is I know not easy for him to know how he has come across to others and I do try to be an independent observer so I can give constructive and truthful feedback. I do not think it would benefit either Chris, I or the other believers to just give platitudes and say yeah honey that was fab when it might not have been. I know when we were in England God gave him several subjects to share and as yet we have not heard them, even though I know the content broadly speaking I cannot wait for Chris's next opportunity to speak, if this is the Lord's will. Our party whilst very tiring to organise and prepare for went very well and all seemed to enjoy it especially the kids. Shanti Lals mother made us garlands to celebrate our anniversary and to rededicate to one another in the Hindi way, which I felt was a lovely gesture. The food was really good we used the Jeevan Tara Resort, and were honoured to have the new Chef be there preparing food and ensuring all went well. I must admit although I liked their food before he has certainly improved the standard and I look forward to some of his new menus in the future. It really felt like having family around for the evening, and as my old friends and family know I really don't like party's but this one for me was very enjoyable if not tiring. One complaint they would not let me have a go on the bouncy castle which I think was a bit party pooping. I do know that having lots of adults jumping around could wreck the bouncy castle so I do understand really, its just I am a big kid at heart and love to mess around. We had purely vegetarian food and soft drinks only, the welcome drink was Alum's signature mocktail with mint added and it is to die for, alas Alum could not make it as a guest as his wife is due to have her baby soon and had labour pains so he had to take her to the hospital. fortunately it was a false alarm and all is well with the family. We wish them well and the new baby should be here in around 2 weeks ish. We will have to wait till the baby is born and have the family around for a meal to make up for missing the party and to welcome the newborn into the world. Chris did not get an opportunity to take many photos of the party as we spent most of the evening mingling and greeting guests. It was a big celebration of my birthday, our wedding anniversary and a thank you to all who have made our first 6 months in India such a joy. (there have been frustrations along the way but when you see what we have achieved it is miraculous) The garden as you can see is progressing we have had lots of success with some vegetables less so with others. However this is an experiment in a new climate and it is great learning. Our first tomatoes are so tasty, as was our lettuce which lots of others have benefited from, so much so were planting more lettuce. Some of the vegetables are new to us so we are learning how to prepare and cook them. Fortunately I now have a chest freezer so we will have vegetables out of season, unfortunately things like lettuce do not freeze unless someone can tell me differently. Chris and I went to Halde Gharte with Sujeet a couple of Sundays ago, it is the Maharana Pratap Museum and is well worth the long hot ride to get there, lots of armour and some fabulous art, with scenes of the battle Pratap was saved from by his horse Chetak done in resin. We were lucky enough to have a guide who did a very good job explaining things to us in English. I felt the art inspired me and I do want to do some sculpture soon, when I can source some local materials. I might just go off with my bucket and dig up some clay, makes a change from collecting cow dung I suppose. I still continue to see amazing things carried on motorcycles, and it amazes me when you see a family of around 4 or 5 on a bike with a child of around 5 or 6 in front of dad, another child perched between dad and mam sitting sidesaddle holding a young baby or toddler by one hand and holding onto the bike with the other. If I had been in England and it was one of my families when I was Health Visiting I would be having a serious chat about safety and putting lives at risk, possibly recording it as a cause for concern. Here it is normal practice but it still makes me take a deep breath and pray that they are all safe. I do not think there is anything that the locals will not try to carry on a bike either by their pillion passenger or by strapping it directly behind the rider onto the bike. You have to see it to believe it. I have started to paint, and no not the walls. I have painted 2 abstract paintings both very different to each other and from my normal style, but I am reasonably happy with them. I prefer the last one which I have painted especially for some friends following the birth of their first baby, I hope they like it. We have been invited to share with them and their family to a ceremony and celebration which I think is known as Namakaran tonight. More about this in the next blog. Well must go for now as this blog is well and truly overdue so again sorry for making you all wait. If you get a chance to come to India for a holiday please do come you will be blown away by its beauty, scenery and diversity, and the food and welcome from people is outstanding God Bless Kris and Chris |
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