Hi All, its that time again.
Before I get into this too far I want to just mention this, Kris and I were talking to an Indian friend about what we had done in order to come and live in his country. He didn't understand why a Westerner would want to come to a poor country such as his. We explained that we believed that God had spoken to us and we had done only what he had asked of us, 'but how do you know it was the right thing to do' he asked, 'because we believe that God loves us and would never do anything to hurt us' well the conversation went on for a while but my point is sometimes we forget that no matter where we are or what we are going through God is with us. There have been times since we came here that Kris and I have felt very alone and that we are struggling and feeling a bit lost and yes a bit down,me falling of a ladder and it turns out I have pulled a ligament in my foot, apparently I'm lucky not to have it in plaster. I am NOT a good patient, and this has slowed me down a lot, as Kris says 'two or three weeks resting it now or six or eight weeks later.... you choose' No sympathy has she, well that's what I get for marrying an ex nurse! I can't get away with anything. (Only teasing, Kris is a wonderful wife and support to me in all i do) But when we think of all God has done for us since we followed his word in faith that He would always be with us then we know that our reward from Him far outweighs our 'low times' if looked at that way these are as ripples in a great sea of joy.
When we got home I sat and read Psalm 136,
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.
To him who alone does great wonders,
His love endures forever.
who by his understanding made the heavens,
His love endures forever.
who spread out the earth upon the waters,
His love endures forever.
who made the great lights—
His love endures forever.
the sun to govern the day,
His love endures forever.
the moon and stars to govern the night;
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.
who by his understanding made the heavens,
His love endures forever.
who spread out the earth upon the waters,
His love endures forever.
who made the great lights—
His love endures forever.
the sun to govern the day,
His love endures forever.
the moon and stars to govern the night;
His love endures forever.
To him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt
His love endures forever.
and brought Israel out from among them
His love endures forever.
with a mighty hand and outstretched arm;
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.
and brought Israel out from among them
His love endures forever.
with a mighty hand and outstretched arm;
His love endures forever.
to him who divided the Red Sea[a] asunder
His love endures forever.
and brought Israel through the midst of it,
His love endures forever.
but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea;
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.
and brought Israel through the midst of it,
His love endures forever.
but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea;
His love endures forever.
to him who led his people through the wilderness;
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.
to him who struck down great kings,
His love endures forever.
and killed mighty kings—
His love endures forever.
Sihon king of the Amorites
His love endures forever.
and Og king of Bashan—
His love endures forever.
and gave their land as an inheritance,
His love endures forever.
an inheritance to his servant Israel.
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.
and killed mighty kings—
His love endures forever.
Sihon king of the Amorites
His love endures forever.
and Og king of Bashan—
His love endures forever.
and gave their land as an inheritance,
His love endures forever.
an inheritance to his servant Israel.
His love endures forever.
He remembered us in our low estate
His love endures forever.
and freed us from our enemies.
His love endures forever.
He gives food to every creature.
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.
and freed us from our enemies.
His love endures forever.
He gives food to every creature.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His love endures forever.
*He is always with us, at our side guiding us,
His love endures forever
Through the storms and fears of life he is there,
His love endures forever
Give thanks for His eternal love that has saved us all,
His love endures forever.
*This addition is mine.
His love endures forever.
*He is always with us, at our side guiding us,
His love endures forever
Through the storms and fears of life he is there,
His love endures forever
Give thanks for His eternal love that has saved us all,
His love endures forever.
*This addition is mine.
His love endures forever, what a statement, FOREVER, not just our momentary existence of a few short years of this life but for all time in His house at His side for eternity.......forever.
Last week Kris and I received a very expensive looking invite to go to a Sikh wedding, never having seen one we were very pleased and surprised that we had been invited. Now, it seems all and his cousin get an invite to day one which is a party for the bride paid for by her parents, day two is for family and honoured guests and day three is the 'ring ceremony' again strictly by invite. The couple are married on the morning of the fourth day.We had been to day one of the wedding , this is the party from the brides father, we got to know him a couple of month ago, we just got chatting one night, then he turned up at the New Years party a nice guy we thought, well educated Sikh and treated us as we treat others. Next thing we know the manager of the local resort (club) some days later is introducing him to us as the owner, we both went 'we know each other from new year' but we did the formal intro thing anyway. Since then we have met several times and spoken as men do of cricket or what Kris and I are doing in India. Turns out it is his daughter getting married so day one was (no Alcohol) no expense spared 1500 people at the party, even had the pipers of the Royal 7th Highland brigade (one of India's oldest Sikh Regiments) playing at the entrance and another band where they were cooking food....and boy what a spread, Kris and I started at one end but never made it to the other....stuffed! The second day is the family and some honoured guests, cocktails, dancing, and a meal in the evening, strictly invite from the families only, yep we got one. The brides Grandfather took us aside and pointed out that the invite we had been given was for the full three days, he said that we had gained the respect of all who had met us as we treated all Indians as equals, not as some westerners do as inferiors, and we gave hospitality as they did to anyone who came to our door we always offer water and ask whoever it is in to sit, we do it because it is the custom to give strangers water and a place to rest and he would be honoured if we would attend the full three days of the wedding of his daughter as not just a guest, but as a friend of the family hence the invite. We were blown away and accepted stressing it was an honour for us to be considered as family friends and we would be happy to see his daughter joined in marriage.I have bought a new jacket and some shoes Kris got a new sari, looked lovely in her salawar today but tomorrow is full dress sari and shiny shoes.The people we are now meeting are just who God wants us to, Indians who may have some money they want to use to help their fellows.We are not going to push, God can do that but we already have a dinner invite from one of the locals and since the whole estate seems to be 'better off doctors, lawyers etc I have no idea where this will go.We are learning the social rules, and a biggy is that we are trying to use Hindi whenever we can, OK so we get it wrong sometimes(we spent ages saying hello as we left) but the fact that we are learning their language is so appreciated. One thing did bother me though, 8.30am the loudest bangs from fireworks I have ever heard, and in India that's saying something, we were having a lay in when the Sky's erupted, yes that was the final moment of a marriage ceremony that Kris and I will always remember for the warmth and friendliness of two proud families coming together as one and who had done us the honour of inviting us to join them.
That's a selection of the many photographs we took over the three days. With a free bar, free food, bands, and the loudest sound system since Glastonbury, hundreds of people coming and going on at least one night until 2am, there was no trouble, drunks or people throwing up, amazing, we felt completely safe and enjoyed the whole wedding very much.
Well not much to report here other than a lot of frustration because of my foot, or to be more precise my Extensor tendon.
I have been preparing 'Flash cards' for the English course I will be teaching, we have managed to get hold of a laminator, Kris was talking to a guy in a printing shop and talked him into getting us one at trade price, it does from A3 down, nice one Kris!
Kris is working on her 'Health in the community' lesson plans so all in all we are almost ready to deliver.
I have just about finished the design for the solar heating, all I need now is a good welder.
We have had a wall built all around the house to the side and rear to contain the vegetable garden, this is now being filled with soil, very clay but better than the solid rock that was there before, so next will be import sand and compost and rotovate it in as soon as I am allowed to by my personal nurse!
In the meantime all that hard work has been done by this fine young man.

The seed trays are all doing well and with the low winter temperatures here (down as low as 5degC at night, and as high as 20degC in the daytime sun) they are growing strongly.
Kris now has a plan to have a Herb Wheel in the front lawn, it gets full sun all day so should work well there, ho hum more work!
We had an e-mail from a friend at Church in Durham UK today, wonderful, she and her class of children have between them raised £90 towards Panawar, the boys hostel that we continue to collect for. We sent her this blog address so that she and her class could see the pictures of Panawar and write to the boys there, when God acts he does it in ways that just leave me amazed and in wonder at his greatness.
Here are a few Photos of some of the other children we have met.

Without all of the help we can give their families how many docters, teachers or nurses do you see there? Education is the key but an income must come first to pay for that education, that is where Pragati Marg Foundation comes into its own, helping through micro finance projects to set up buisnesess and help the ordinary rurel Indian raise his standard of living and send his children to school.
We must help, we have so much, they so little, but given a chance they will amaze us.
Kris took delivery of her new Yamaha Ray, I cant remember if I have mentioned it but we spent most of the car fund on furniture and fittings for the house, that left us a little that we will keep for that inevitable unexpected something we will have to pay for so good old Mr Barclay has bought this for her.
Love the pink helmet, very girlie!
OK I admit it, this is mine or at least will be when it gets here in a few weeks. Royal Enfield 500cc single.'Desert Storm' a passenger seat is an option (yes I got one). More on this when I get it.
Things that made me go mmmmmm
Kris setting off for her first bike ride, alone, in her lovely pink helmet after practise around the estate and coming back with 'I rode down the main road' and my knowing how mad it is.
Yes I will always worry about her but I wont try and stop her doing anything she wants to. After years of not being able to walk without crutches or sticks I think she has earned the right to take whatever risks she wants to, she's not stupid but she is strongly independent, and I like that about her! Oh and the helmet is going purple apparently.
The look of joy when you wave back at children, they grin and shout Hi
Finding two guys cutting my hedge 'A pressy from a friend to save me doing it'
Finding that my next door neighbour after we had eaten some of his beans (a gift to us) and said how good they were has now strung several lines so that they grow over into our garden as well as his.
Test riding the Desert Storm Verummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Our landlord complaining to us that we don't have to be so prompt paying our rent! (Now that really is a first!).
Well on that note I think this has become long enough, so to all our friends God Bless you and keep you safe, and please will you pray for a fast recovery of my tendon, as I said, I'm not a good patient!!
Chris and Kris.
I have been preparing 'Flash cards' for the English course I will be teaching, we have managed to get hold of a laminator, Kris was talking to a guy in a printing shop and talked him into getting us one at trade price, it does from A3 down, nice one Kris!
Kris is working on her 'Health in the community' lesson plans so all in all we are almost ready to deliver.
I have just about finished the design for the solar heating, all I need now is a good welder.
We have had a wall built all around the house to the side and rear to contain the vegetable garden, this is now being filled with soil, very clay but better than the solid rock that was there before, so next will be import sand and compost and rotovate it in as soon as I am allowed to by my personal nurse!
In the meantime all that hard work has been done by this fine young man.
The seed trays are all doing well and with the low winter temperatures here (down as low as 5degC at night, and as high as 20degC in the daytime sun) they are growing strongly.
Kris now has a plan to have a Herb Wheel in the front lawn, it gets full sun all day so should work well there, ho hum more work!
We had an e-mail from a friend at Church in Durham UK today, wonderful, she and her class of children have between them raised £90 towards Panawar, the boys hostel that we continue to collect for. We sent her this blog address so that she and her class could see the pictures of Panawar and write to the boys there, when God acts he does it in ways that just leave me amazed and in wonder at his greatness.
Here are a few Photos of some of the other children we have met.
Without all of the help we can give their families how many docters, teachers or nurses do you see there? Education is the key but an income must come first to pay for that education, that is where Pragati Marg Foundation comes into its own, helping through micro finance projects to set up buisnesess and help the ordinary rurel Indian raise his standard of living and send his children to school.
We must help, we have so much, they so little, but given a chance they will amaze us.
Kris took delivery of her new Yamaha Ray, I cant remember if I have mentioned it but we spent most of the car fund on furniture and fittings for the house, that left us a little that we will keep for that inevitable unexpected something we will have to pay for so good old Mr Barclay has bought this for her.
Love the pink helmet, very girlie!
OK I admit it, this is mine or at least will be when it gets here in a few weeks. Royal Enfield 500cc single.'Desert Storm' a passenger seat is an option (yes I got one). More on this when I get it.
Things that made me go mmmmmm
Kris setting off for her first bike ride, alone, in her lovely pink helmet after practise around the estate and coming back with 'I rode down the main road' and my knowing how mad it is.
Yes I will always worry about her but I wont try and stop her doing anything she wants to. After years of not being able to walk without crutches or sticks I think she has earned the right to take whatever risks she wants to, she's not stupid but she is strongly independent, and I like that about her! Oh and the helmet is going purple apparently.
The look of joy when you wave back at children, they grin and shout Hi
Finding two guys cutting my hedge 'A pressy from a friend to save me doing it'
Finding that my next door neighbour after we had eaten some of his beans (a gift to us) and said how good they were has now strung several lines so that they grow over into our garden as well as his.
Test riding the Desert Storm Verummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Our landlord complaining to us that we don't have to be so prompt paying our rent! (Now that really is a first!).
Well on that note I think this has become long enough, so to all our friends God Bless you and keep you safe, and please will you pray for a fast recovery of my tendon, as I said, I'm not a good patient!!
Chris and Kris.
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