Sunday, 8 December 2024

Updates from India. Halfway.

 Hello there folks

time for another update on what’s happening in our lives.

Today is a very special day for all three of us because it marks the halfway point of Christine’s exile to the UK. It’s been exactly 6 months and it has been the hardest six months either of us have ever experienced.

It sounds so simple when you say it quickly will be apart for a year. But that’s 365 days and every day we miss each other very much.

There have been some really funny wonderful times with just myself and Geeta here but there have been some hard times as well. It was bad for her when both the dogs she loved died within weeks of each other and then Christine had to stay in the UK meantime her best friend left the area so suddenly everything she loved had disappeared except for me. I don’t know who it was but somebody put it into her head that I was going to go to the UK as well and she would be left not been able to go to school or live here she would have to go back to the village where there is no school. It took a while and a lot of long talks to get her to accept that I would never just leave that I would always be here for her.

There have been several occasions like that. When I had my heart attack last year somebody told her that she must expect me to die soon because when you have a heart attack you don’t live very long afterwards. What sort of worry is this to put into a little girls head? I truly wonder why people do this sort of thing. I am 73 and yes the body knows it but in my mind I’m still 30, my problem with that is sometimes I do things as the 30-year-old and then spend two days paying for it with an aching back to remind me that I’m not a young man anymore. Still as we have taught Geeta never give in always try no matter how hard it may seem, do your best.

Geeta is reading every day from the children’s Bible which tells all the Bible stories in a way that is easier for children to understand this is not only helping reading and spelling but it is also giving her some understanding of why Christine and I live by the teachings of Jesus and how that affects our daily lives.

She asked me once ‘what is that list on the wall?’ I explained to her that it was a list of Gods commandments things he said we should and should not do. He gave them to the world to live by and Christine and I try to live by these commandments and by the teachings of Jesus. She prays with us on a Sunday and Geeta and I pray regularly for Christine to be safe and well and to come home soon.

We are not trying to turn Geeta into a Christian that will be her choice as she gets older but we are exposing her to Hinduism the country’s main religion which is which is after all the oldest religion in the world, she attends Hindu temple of special occasions and we encourage her to understand her countries main faith we have a friend who is a Muslim  she frequently questions him about his faith we have friends from just about every religion in India and she questions each and every one of them about what they believe and why.

She has a tremendous amount of curiosity which we encourage in all subjects. We never say things like don’t bother with now ask me later if she has a question we try very hard to answer it in a way she can understand consequently she has gained a lot of general knowledge and on some subjects very specific knowledge. One of her teachers remarked that she was one of the few children at school that you could have an adult conversation with and she understood the words she was using and used them in the correct context.

Her biggest difficulty is writing, she is naturally right-handed and has had to learn to do everything with her left hand, the problem she has is when she has to write quickly as spelling goes out of the window. A lot of her test questions she has given the correct answer but has misspelt a word so gets no mark for it. We have taught her a propelling pencil (they all have to write with a pencil at this stage) that has definitely improved her control when she is writing. We encourage you to read everything she sees he is in English or Hindi she studies Hindi writing as well as English and speaks three languages Hindi English and her local tribal language. India is a country of so many many different languages that you can travel 100 miles and not to be understood by the local people. This is a fantastic country and I love it very much as does Christine but there are times it is difficult to comprehend how this society works. We have tried very hard to be tolerant but to stay firm in our beliefs and our standards. Geeta has been brought up never to lie or steal. If you have two coats then give one to somebody who doesn’t have a coat is one of our strongest principles to help others is to honour God.


She loves painting and drawing there are dozens of her paintings we never throw them away. Her schoolwork is improving as she is recovering from being so down I have to try very hard not to let her see me being depressed.

I admit when I am here alone the house can seem very empty without Christine here and emotionally I do find that difficult sometimes. There are times when I have to force myself to actually do something and not just sit thinking about what was or what is now. I think I have already mentioned this, I have now moved into Christine studio which is the downstairs bedroom and put a bed in there. I still can’t handle sleeping in our bedroom alone. The nights here has become very cold and are going to get colder and we can’t afford to put radiators on in the bedrooms so we leave the curtains to the stairs and Geeta’s bedroom door open and my bedroom door (studio downstairs) open so that some of the heat from the wood burner which I bless as the best idea we ever had moved in here some of that he’s gets into the bedrooms. We have also bought two cheap electric blankets which we turn on about an hour before bedtime and turn off when we get into bed which by then is lovely and warm and we just snuggle down under the covers and it doesn’t matter that the bedroom itself is cold….Until you get up in the morning! Then we both end up standing in front of the fire warming up.               

I still find it difficult to accept that this has happened to us… Why? We did everything we were supposed to do when we were supposed to do it and yet Christine’s visa was refused, her appeal was refused because we kept getting told she had overstayed. How is it possible that she overstayed and I didn’t? It still baffles me and I have to admit within myself there is resentment and some anger but I’ve learned to forgive and follow the Lord’s plan whatever that might be.

Keeping my faith was difficult in the beginning I ranted and shouted at God why why why have you done this to us? Gradually I came to accept the situation we were in and I came to accept why ever God did this we may never know where all our married life together we have followed faithfully the road he laid before us and still do.

Money has been one of our greatest worries. When we had to return to the UK three years early we had not saved the necessary money to renew our visa’s all for air flights as we normally would have at the end of five years consequently the credit card got hammered in fact it’s maxed out so we have no financial lifeboat anymore. On top of this we are now having to pay two rents, two electricity bills, two food bills and only other incidental costs like clothes for Geeta all on my pension. People look at foreigners as being wealthy, I can promise you we are certainly not wealthy by the end of each month we are lucky if we haven’t run out of money to buy even the most basic essentials. As things stand we have absolutely no chance of paying off the credit card so every month a chunk of our money gets taken by the bank as interest and there is nothing we can do about it. It is very difficult sometimes. At least we have a roof over her heads and food in our bellies which is more than some others have so far that we are grateful.

Christmas this year is going to be difficult, Geeta will still get a present as will her cousins who always visit on Christmas Day. I have explained to her that Santa is short of cash this year so it will only be a small presents.

Luckily we have plenty of veg in the freezer and even a turkey!

We have even made a Christmas cake, traditional English spice cake recipe. I only have one other promise to fulfil that is we will make a trifle.

We celebrate Christmas dinner on Boxing Day privately but Christmas Day is open house.

Christine is struggling just as hard as I am in fact more so she has had to find a small flat to live in, at least it means she can get away from having to live in what is laughingly called emergency accommodation, in the UK it’s that or live on the street.

So much has changed in the UK over the last 11 or 12 years. Where has my country gone I don’t recognise it now so much hate so much crime and so much corruption. It’s a sad comments to have to make but a true one I feel Christine is safer here in India going about as a mature woman alone than she is in England which is very sad because I remember when it wasn’t dangerous to walk in the city at night alone. It’s not everywhere but if you’re unfortunate enough to live in some other big cities friends have told me you almost live in fear of going out alone. I don’t understand is how ordinary decent people have allowed this to happen or for that matter continue to allow it. The UK press doesn’t really seem to be keen to report the level of crime which is ruining peoples lives. However the international press shows no such restraint when reporting on England and is becoming known as a dangerous expensive overtaxed and under policed state. 

Our pensioners freeze in winter after a lifetime’s work the pension is disgusting and so far below the national average wage it’s a sad joke. Our service men are struggling just to survive the suicide rates among ex-services is horrendous. Why don’t we seem to care? Free speech no longer exists as it used to now you can be arrested for having an opinion that doesn’t agree with the government. You could be arrested for making a political social comment that may offend some of the individual. It seems it doesn’t pay to rock the boat in England anymore.

It has taken me a long time to recover my health, it’s ironic but if I hadn’t had a heart attack I would never have realized why I was so tired with no stamina. Since the heart operation and the vitamin C supplement which I now have to take daily I am definitely getting fitter it’s taking a while but I’m getting there. Sometimes I still have to admit that different jobs are at the moment beyond my ability like carrying piles of logs for the fire or something similar where Geeta helps me but compared to what I was two years ago I am quite literally a different person. No more wheelchair! As Geeta once said ‘grandpa is back’.

I’m sorry if this blog has drifted about a little but I’m writing as I think of different things and not in any particular order. I apologize to readers who like a more structured account!

Geeta has just lost Mr Bunny. He died over night we don't know why but he had gone by morning. We have buried him in the garden under some flower brushes. Hasn't this little girl had enough grief this year she really loved that bunny. It really breaks me up she has lost both of the dogs she loved her best friend moved away Christine is stuck in the UK Mr bunny has now gone as well.

I hope this blog has given a little more insight into how we doing here I will leave it up to Christine to add her account to this before I publish.

It’s going to be a heck of a party in about six months time!


Comments from Kris

Well since I last wrote I was living in emergency accommodation, I was fortunate to be placed in a nice bed and breakfast (didn’t get breakfast). The lady running it was really nice and a Christian. I had use of a microwave and airfryer in the dining room to prepare my food. I was definitely one of the lucky residents as I had an en suite. I had a kettle and television in my room, and my bedding changed weekly. But it was difficult I felt very isolated although I could come and go as I pleased. Once I figured out the buses, every twenty minutes into town but only one bus an hour to return due to road closures buses were being redirected. I did manage to get to church a couple of times but too far to walk so had to use what little money I had on taxis as no buses run on Sundays in Stafford. It is much to far for me to walk so I only go out when I have to

After applying for numerous private rentals and applying for housing with the only agency. I was allocated a flat via the councils connection for homeless people with Sanctuary Housing Association. You cannot apply to them directly you have to be referred so I was very lucky. Obviously my health problems also played a part. 

At last I viewed that flat an upstairs one bedroom in a quiet but nice area.

Problem was I now had a flat but nothing and I mean absolutely nothing other than a quilt and pillow and a few cans of food to move into. I contacted the churches furniture scheme and explained my situation.

They were superb, I now have a bed, crockery and cutlery, a slow cooker  unfortunately they didn’t have a kettle, a dining table and two chairs, a desk and office chair and bookcase, couple of rugs. Unfortunately they could not get the sofa or armchair through the narrow door but they brought me two small chairs that are reasonably comfortable.  Some bedding and curtains which don’t fit perfectly but they at least keep some heat in and give me privacy. The heating is old style storage heaters which I cant afford to run so I got myself a small halogen heater. It was extremely cold so I was very grateful for the extra bedding to keep me warm. I bought an off-cut carpet for the living room as the cold has made my joint pains significantly worse and I was sitting with a blanket over me to keep warm. Sometimes I am in so much pain that i cant even tidy up or cook.

This is not a complaint as I feel so blessed by the churches provision.

A friend bought me a kettle and loaned me a tabletop cooker for which I am extremely grateful.

Money is really difficult having to pay bills for living here and also for Chris back in India so we are both living on a shoestring and going without a lot of stuff. Its hard for Chris when Geeta needs new school cloths and he cant afford them but somehow we find the money.

The job offer I got was withdrawn on medical grounds so I now have to continue the job search in order for us to survive and pay the bills. So any prayers in that provision would be gratefully received.

It has been extremely stressful and difficult being separated from Chris and Geeta who miss me as much as I miss them. Geeta is taking it particularly hard but she has Chris to support her.

We have now passed the six month mark for me to reapply for my visa, and I can’t wait to return to India.

Christmas is going to be particularly hard for us all but Chris is putting the tree up with Geeta this weekend to try and keep things normal and we do have video chats daily,

Each morning at 1.45am GMT I ring Geeta to speak to her before school. Sometimes I stay up till I have spoken to her especially when my pain is severe, then I snuggle under my two quilts to go to sleep.

I am going to go to church on the 22nd for their Carol Service I have my ticket for the 4pm session, I don’t like being out late as it’s a walk from the bus stop, that is one day that I will be fully dosed up with pain killers.

I remain focused mainly on getting through this difficult time and positive about the future.

There are so many people worse off than me but its lonely here and I don’t feel I belong so hoping if I get a job at least it will help financially and get me out meeting people.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and very best wishes for a Happy New Year.

God Bless












Hello there folks

time for another update on what’s happening in our lives.

Today is a very special day for all three of us because it marks the halfway point of Christine’s exile to the UK. It’s been exactly 6 months and it has been the hardest six months either of us have ever experienced.

It sounds so simple when you say it quickly will be apart for a year. But that’s 365 days and every day we miss each other very much.

There have been some really funny wonderful times with just myself and Geeta here but there have been some hard times as well. It was bad for her when both the dogs she loved died within weeks of each other and then Christine had to stay in the UK meantime her best friend left the area so suddenly everything she loved had disappeared except for me. I don’t know who it was but somebody put it into her head that I was going to go to the UK as well and she would be left not been able to go to school or live here she would have to go back to the village where there is no school. It took a while and a lot of long talks to get her to accept that I would never just leave that I would always be here for her.

There have been several occasions like that. When I had my heart attack last year somebody told her that she must expect me to die soon because when you have a heart attack you don’t live very long afterwards. What sort of worry is this to put into a little girls head? I truly wonder why people do this sort of thing. I am 73 and yes the body knows it but in my mind I’m still 30, my problem with that is sometimes I do things as the 30-year-old and then spend two days paying for it with an aching back to remind me that I’m not a young man anymore. Still as we have taught Geeta never give in always try no matter how hard it may seem, do your best.

Geeta is reading every day from the children’s Bible which tells all the Bible stories in a way that is easier for children to understand this is not only helping reading and spelling but it is also giving her some understanding of why Christine and I live by the teachings of Jesus and how that affects our daily lives.

She asked me once ‘what is that list on the wall?’ I explained to her that it was a list of Gods commandments things he said we should and should not do. He gave them to the world to live by and Christine and I try to live by these commandments and by the teachings of Jesus. She prays with us on a Sunday and Geeta and I pray regularly for Christine to be safe and well and to come home soon.

We are not trying to turn Geeta into a Christian that will be her choice as she gets older but we are exposing her to Hinduism the country’s main religion which is which is after all the oldest religion in the world, she attends Hindu temple of special occasions and we encourage her to understand her countries main faith we have a friend who is a Muslim  she frequently questions him about his faith we have friends from just about every religion in India and she questions each and every one of them about what they believe and why.

She has a tremendous amount of curiosity which we encourage in all subjects. We never say things like don’t bother with now ask me later if she has a question we try very hard to answer it in a way she can understand consequently she has gained a lot of general knowledge and on some subjects very specific knowledge. One of her teachers remarked that she was one of the few children at school that you could have an adult conversation with and she understood the words she was using and used them in the correct context.

Her biggest difficulty is writing, she is naturally right-handed and has had to learn to do everything with her left hand, the problem she has is when she has to write quickly as spelling goes out of the window. A lot of her test questions she has given the correct answer but has misspelt a word so gets no mark for it. We have taught her a propelling pencil (they all have to write with a pencil at this stage) that has definitely improved her control when she is writing. We encourage you to read everything she sees he is in English or Hindi she studies Hindi writing as well as English and speaks three languages Hindi English and her local tribal language. India is a country of so many many different languages that you can travel 100 miles and not to be understood by the local people. This is a fantastic country and I love it very much as does Christine but there are times it is difficult to comprehend how this society works. We have tried very hard to be tolerant but to stay firm in our beliefs and our standards. Geeta has been brought up never to lie or steal. If you have two coats then give one to somebody who doesn’t have a coat is one of our strongest principles to help others is to honour God.


She loves painting and drawing there are dozens of her paintings we never throw them away. Her schoolwork is improving as she is recovering from being so down I have to try very hard not to let her see me being depressed.

I admit when I am here alone the house can seem very empty without Christine here and emotionally I do find that difficult sometimes. There are times when I have to force myself to actually do something and not just sit thinking about what was or what is now. I think I have already mentioned this, I have now moved into Christine studio which is the downstairs bedroom and put a bed in there. I still can’t handle sleeping in our bedroom alone. The nights here has become very cold and are going to get colder and we can’t afford to put radiators on in the bedrooms so we leave the curtains to the stairs and Geeta’s bedroom door open and my bedroom door (studio downstairs) open so that some of the heat from the wood burner which I bless as the best idea we ever had moved in here some of that he’s gets into the bedrooms. We have also bought two cheap electric blankets which we turn on about an hour before bedtime and turn off when we get into bed which by then is lovely and warm and we just snuggle down under the covers and it doesn’t matter that the bedroom itself is cold….Until you get up in the morning! Then we both end up standing in front of the fire warming up.               

I still find it difficult to accept that this has happened to us… Why? We did everything we were supposed to do when we were supposed to do it and yet Christine’s visa was refused, her appeal was refused because we kept getting told she had overstayed. How is it possible that she overstayed and I didn’t? It still baffles me and I have to admit within myself there is resentment and some anger but I’ve learned to forgive and follow the Lord’s plan whatever that might be.

Keeping my faith was difficult in the beginning I ranted and shouted at God why why why have you done this to us? Gradually I came to accept the situation we were in and I came to accept why ever God did this we may never know where all our married life together we have followed faithfully the road he laid before us and still do.

Money has been one of our greatest worries. When we had to return to the UK three years early we had not saved the necessary money to renew our visa’s all for air flights as we normally would have at the end of five years consequently the credit card got hammered in fact it’s maxed out so we have no financial lifeboat anymore. On top of this we are now having to pay two rents, two electricity bills, two food bills and only other incidental costs like clothes for Geeta all on my pension. People look at foreigners as being wealthy, I can promise you we are certainly not wealthy by the end of each month we are lucky if we haven’t run out of money to buy even the most basic essentials. As things stand we have absolutely no chance of paying off the credit card so every month a chunk of our money gets taken by the bank as interest and there is nothing we can do about it. It is very difficult sometimes. At least we have a roof over her heads and food in our bellies which is more than some others have so far that we are grateful.

Christmas this year is going to be difficult, Geeta will still get a present as will her cousins who always visit on Christmas Day. I have explained to her that Santa is short of cash this year so it will only be a small presents.

Luckily we have plenty of veg in the freezer and even a turkey!

We have even made a Christmas cake, traditional English spice cake recipe. I only have one other promise to fulfil that is we will make a trifle.

We celebrate Christmas dinner on Boxing Day privately but Christmas Day is open house.

Christine is struggling just as hard as I am in fact more so she has had to find a small flat to live in, at least it means she can get away from having to live in what is laughingly called emergency accommodation, in the UK it’s that or live on the street.

So much has changed in the UK over the last 11 or 12 years. Where has my country gone I don’t recognise it now so much hate so much crime and so much corruption. It’s a sad comments to have to make but a true one I feel Christine is safer here in India going about as a mature woman alone than she is in England which is very sad because I remember when it wasn’t dangerous to walk in the city at night alone. It’s not everywhere but if you’re unfortunate enough to live in some other big cities friends have told me you almost live in fear of going out alone. I don’t understand is how ordinary decent people have allowed this to happen or for that matter continue to allow it. The UK press doesn’t really seem to be keen to reproach the level of crime which is ruining peoples lives. However the international press shows no such restraint when reporting on England and is becoming known as a dangerous expensive overtaxed and under policed state. Our pensioners freeze in winter after a lifetime’s work the pension like as is disgusting and so far below the national average wage it’s a sad joke. Our service men are struggling just to survive the suicide rates amongst ex-services is horrendous. Why don’t we seem to care? Free speech no longer exists as it used to now you can be arrested for having an opinion that doesn’t agree with the government. You could be arrested for making a political social comment that may offend some of the individual. It seems it doesn’t pay to rock the boat in England anymore.

It has taken me a long time to recover my health, it’s ironic but if I hadn’t had a heart attack I would never have realised why I was so tired with no stamina. Since the heart operation and the vitamin C supplement which I now have to take daily I am definitely getting fitter it’s taking a while but I’m getting there. Sometimes I still have to admit that different jobs are at the moment beyond my ability like carrying piles of logs for the fire or something similar where Geeta helps me but compared to what I was two years ago I am quite literally a different person. No more wheelchair! As Geeta once said ‘grandpa is back’.

I’m sorry if this blog has drifted about a little but I’m writing as I think of different things and not in any particular order. I apologise to readers who like a more structured account!

I hope this blog has given a little more insight into how we doing here I will leave it up to Christine to add her account to this before I publish.

It’s going to be a heck of a party in about six months time!

May God bless you all

Chris Hyde Rajasthan India.Chris






























Friday, 18 October 2024

Life with the Hyde's in India. Separation

Hello everyone

Anybody who read my last blog where I had to leave my wife in the UK and return to India alone knows some of the story so far.

First some medical News 

 Last November as most of you know I had a heart attack results of which was the fitting of a stent. I was told that I would feel a lot better and get my energy and vitality back which had been sadly lacking. Week by week I have been feeling worse. My joints ache I have no energy and all I really want to do is lay down and sleep the day away. Motivation is nil. My legs have got so weak that I'm now using a stick and anything beyond about 25 yards is too much for me. I can't even go shopping so I have bought a wheelchair for those long distance 'walks'. My doctor recommended ankle weights and agrees that the wheelchair will improve my upper body strength and my breathing tremendously. Well that was the situation until about a week ago round brown patches about 1 1/2 cm across started appearing on my arms. My first thought was skin cancer. Some background on that my mother died of cervical cancer my father died of lung cancer my sister had breast cancer and had to have a breast removed so the gene definitely runs in my family. Off I went to the doctor who looked at them and suggested that I immediately and see a dermatologist who could give me a more definite diagnosis. While that didn't give me a great deal of confidence I must admit but I went, she looked at them and sent me off to get blood tests.

Well we got the results back, no cancer cells in my bloodstream but bugger all vitamin C! It turns out that the drugs I am on for my heart and breathing strip vitamin C from my body. These symptoms I have been suffering and that have been getting worse. By a complete lack or at least nearly complete lack of vitamins C in my system. I am now on vitamin drinks and lemon water every morning apparently I have got what the old sailors used to get on long sailing journeys........................................ I have got scurvy!!
What a bloody joke all that worry for that. In two or three months I've got to have my blood tested again but the doctor reckons by then I should be feeling much much better have some energy back and beginning to get stronger again.
I cannot believe just how the lack of one little vitamin can turn you into a week wobbly old man. The skin blotches because the skin uses masses of vitamins C so is the 1st to so show signs, then your teeth start falling out…… Thankfully I never got to that stage!
Scurvy, I still can't really believe it myself what a stupid thing to get but at least we have an answer now. For the last two weeks I have been taking concentrated vitamin C, the difference in how I feel is incredible. I have more energy, my breathing is easier and the dizzy spells have all but gone. I am still very weak and tire quickly. Unfortunately I'm still as stupid as ever.
Geeta and I went to an annual bikers meeting, a weekend away did us the world of good. However because of my health issues I used a wheelchair for the long walks between the hotel and the venue and getting around at the venue. It was a great weekend Geeta danced till she dropped and I got to meet a lot of old friends who I haven't seen for three years now since I first became ill.
The weather was gorgeous with spells of rain which were at times a relief. Now let's look at the facts.
I am massively vitamin C deficient and it was made quite clear to me that all the blood thinning drugs I am taking with such a low vitamin C my skin is very delicate as the skin uses masses of it. So what did I do….I burnt both my arms. It never occurred to me for one second that the time I spent in the sun would cause as much damage as it has. First came the blisters, then bleeding when they popped a week later I have little scabs over most of my arms and if any of them get knocked I bleed like a leaky tap.

That was a few weeks ago. I am getting stronger by the day the specialist warns me that it might take up to 3 months to stabilise my levels of vitamin C and I also must improve my zinc intake. To help solve these problems I’m now taking a vitamin supplement everyday as well as the vitamin C concentration drink daily.

I am sleeping better feeling much more like my old self. The mood swings I was suffering from have gone and in Geeta’s own words ‘grandpa is back’ and that’s really how I feel about it.\

Update on Christine, she is looking for a house or flat in the UK and hopefully a job. It’s a long long process but we are both putting our trust in the Lord.

Here I have to make a confession… Being a single parent is not bloody easy, to all those people out there, to all those single parents you have my greatest admiration for you are doing. Before this I had never really considered just what it must be like to try to bring up a child on your own, you amaze me. I’ve been doing it for a couple of months now and boy have my eyes been opened. Money is very tight so we don’t get many treats but when we do we appreciate them far more than we used to.

Geeta has now become a girl guide, she absolutely loves the adventure involved and being part of a group with a common goal. Apparently so she tells me ‘we will be going camping when I am bigger’. The guide leader is impressed by her attitude never give up, conquer your fears and overcome your difficulties you will enjoy the challenge you face much more. It is very similar to some advice I was given as a young man the first time I went rock climbing, terrifying but immensely satisfying when I achieved some confidence.

Now a bit of bad news. While Geeta and I were away for the weekend something got into the chicken run (weasel we think) and killed eight of our 13 chickens. The survivors have moved to my sister Amber for holiday while the chicken run is reinforced. It came in via a small hole through the wire where the water pipe enters. That won’t happen again as the area has been reinforced it is my intention to put a plate around the pipe on the outside as a belt and braces solution. It was incredibly sad when we got back chicken feathers everywhere bones and half chickens. Thankfully Amber had cleared 90% of his away so although she was very sad Geeta didn’t get to see the carnage that had been caused. When the run is finished I will bring our five chickens back from their holiday!

Well it is now the middle of October and thank God Christine now has somewhere to live there is also a strong possibility that she may have found a job as well which will help immensely. I can’t thank my daughter Frances or her husband enough for looking after Christine all this time. It has been a great strain for all of them living in a one bedroom flat. Christine had the bed (they wouldn’t consider any other way) and they slept in the sitting room. The availability of rented accommodation in the UK is horrendous. Every hotel every and spare flat seems to be occupied by illegal immigrants. I’m not prejudiced and I have no problem with immigration as long as it’s legal. I am an immigrate to India, so is Kris, Legal!

Arriving on a boat across the channel being put in a hotel given cash and food when people like Christine are so desperate not to end up living on the street disgusts me. What has happened to the UK? It is so very different to the UK I left 10 years ago. As an active Christian I really struggle with my feelings about this.

Geeta loves helping me in the garden, we are trying very hard to keep on top of it and it does give both of us a break from being indoors. I have no viable transport and walking is still difficult for me but I’m improving daily.

Our 13th year of marriage has been so far a rough one!

Geeta is suffering now, she lost both her to pet dogs, then she lost Christine. I try very hard to help her to understand and perhaps except that Christine will be back but I suspect there is some doubt her mind about that.

This little girl has gone through so much it seems so unfair that she has to go through this as well. Her grades at school have fallen sharply it is as though she can’t be bothered anymore. I’m meeting with somebody from the school this weekend to discuss this. There are times when I feel totally inadequate, being a single parent was never part of my life plan and it is incredibly difficult. Being positive about our situation to Geeta sometimes only lasts until she has gone to school. On my own alone here sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it, Christine and I were never meant to be apart in all the years we have been married the longest we have ever been separated has been when one of us has been in hospital. I know every day that passes is it a closer to us being reunited but emotionally and psychologically it is sometimes very difficult not to think about the number of days still ahead of us separated as we are.

Well that brings you more or less up-to-date with us and our situation.

Please pray that we get through this together and can be reunited next year as a family.

May God bless you all

Chris Udaipur India

UPDATE Kris sent this to add to the blog.

Comments from Kris

Thought it was time I gave an update on my situation here in the UK.

Well as you all know my visa was refused for overstaying even though I was to ill to travel back to the  UK  and I had medical certificate and support to support it. So now I have to wait till the end of May next year to reapply. Its been very difficult  for us all being separated but at least we can keep in touch via email and whats app video calls so that  is something to be thankful for.

Chris is doing a  fantastic job with Geeta and keeping things going in India despite his health issues. He has had chest pain due to stress but is learning to deal with it.

Chris’s daughter Fran and her husband Shaun have been fantastic putting me up for so long but there is only so long we could carry that on being together in a small one bed roomed flat.

I have now moved into emergency accommodation in a guest house in Stafford, its very nice I have my own double room  with a small dressing room and shower and toilet. There's a dining room with microwave and airfryer so I can make meals and its very close to my ground floor room.The owner is nice and  shes a Christian I don’t see her a lot but she is there if I need her. I still have my name down for a flat or bungalow but nothing yet and its been  months. I thought I had a couple of private lets but they fell through. 

My room is cosy and warm, sometimes too warm as it is now I'm sitting on the bed writing this in my t shirt as I’m hot.

I have applied  and accepted a part time job caring for vulnerable adults as an intensive support worker but its taking ages for the dbs checks as  they have to contact India to make sure I have no criminal activity. To be honest I wish it was all sorted to give me some  focus and money to get by,

Never thought I would need to but I now get food bank parcels each week so at least I can eat.

I was beginning to lose weight intentionally but had to go back  on steroids for severe chest infection so that has affected that for now. Had to have second course of antibiotics as infection reoccurred a few days after finishing the  first lot of  medications, still on them but it is improving.

I’d like to thank our home church for their support for Chris and I at this difficult time and over the  last twelve years we have been in India. Without their support we could not have achieved as much as we have been able to. We truly are very humbled by their support.

I would like to visit them and Durham but at the moment I can’t afford the rail fare or accommodation so maybe when I get wages I could pop up for a weekend and visit Emmanuel Church (our home church).

I don’t know why this has happened to  us but I am trying to remain strong and my trust in the Lord is still holding us together we are one......."Chris and Kris" nothing on this earth will change that. Our love and our faith is stronger than anything that can be thrown at us.

I bought a few art materials so I can do some painting just need to figure out the logistics whilst I am in emergency accommodation.

As Chris and I have  discussed this is  our thirteenth year of marriage and it has certainly been a difficult one and not one we will forget easily.

Counting down the days to our being reunited and Chris has made a calender for Geeta that she tears off each month knowing its bringing us closer together.

Geeta has struggled with our separation her schoolwork has suffered and she not only has suffered my loss but the death of two of our dogs which she has found very hard, her best friend has also moved away. Shes trying to improve her spelling which is a major problem by reading and learning new words, She chose the children's bible to read which is nice because these are new stories for her and will help her to understand our faith and beliefs. I thought she would have  chosen the tales of Narnia or one of her other books of which she has many but no she chose the children's bible which also contains great illustrations. She and Chris read from it every evening.

I am so proud of her for helping out at home and trying to stay strong. I don’t think Chris would have coped so well without her in our life and it keeps me strong knowing they're there for each other until I return. Unfortunately there are  those who tell her I am not returning which I think is very cruel and unhelpful. She remains the lovely caring and  thoughtful little girl who has brought so much joy to our lives.

We have certainly found out who our true friends are in India during this stressful time, one of which I won’t name but interfered in our family even whilst we were here together in the UK, then never contacted Chris at all since he returned.This  "friend" even had the cheek recently to interfere again when I had told her not to interfere in our private lives, advising Geeta’s mother to take Geeta’s phone to the village as her mams phone wasn’t working well. I’m pleased to say her mother said No. Geeta’s mam knows we got her the phone for her security and to contact her parents anytime she wanted and now to be able to contact me. To say I was appalled that this person would do that it just proved what kind of character they are especially as they previously said Geeta was their friend but has ignored her almost completely since Chris returned to India. But on a positive note a couple of other friends have been there for Chris and Geeta. Thank you guys you know who you are.

Whilst in Stafford I am attending Rising Brook Baptist church and Chris and Geeta join in on line during the live service so we feel a connection and I give an occasional wave to the camera,

Well I think I have just about covered everything so hope you are all well please keep praying for us.

God Bless you all


in Stafford England


