Wednesday, 3 February 2021


Well it’s been a strange year, 2020 will stay in my memory for many many years. It seemed to start well enough and we had just returned from a visit to the UK and it was lovely to be home.


 A friend had been one of the countries where there was a corona 19 outbreak so when she got back she had to go into quarantine for two weeks so had everyone who had been in contact with her which included us. It was in March our lockdown began. It didn’t seem to get any better throughout the whole year we went into lockdown we went into curfews we went into a wearing masks we tried very hard in India except like everyone else in the world there was a fair proportion of idiots who didn’t think it applied to them. The results of this of course was the virus continued to spread merrily on its way amongst the idiots and the lazy, unfortunately they affected the rest of us. Many Thousands of people have died, and yet there are still some who cry and shout its a fake is a government conspiracy to limit our freedoms. But considering the amount of information that is available to anybody online about any of us through Facebook WhatsApp Google Amazon anybody who has ever had any dealings with us online knows everything about us so what is the basis of the conspiracy theory I have no idea. Perhaps they should join the flat Earth, or start a new Luddite movement. Do they realise that their actions are actually killing people I can’t believe that otherwise sensible people would be this ridiculous, this uncaring this stupid.


Summer came and the heat rose throughout Rajasthan as high as 45°C during the daytime. Power outages became common usually in the afternoons when air-conditioning was most needed. Now with people trapped at home unable to go to work electricity bills have rocketed income has crashed and as far as the ordinary working Indian is concerned this last year has been a disaster. We have watched many businesses fail, small businesses which are being destroyed by a lack of income for those families, not big business. As things stand the little man who is making money on the vegetable stall to support his family is gone because the main vegetable market is closed what can he do? There is no unemployment benefit or workable welfare system so he is left to fend for himself as are many many others.       


The monsoon came and there was a lot of talk that the continuous rains would wash the virus out of the air and everything would be alright. This as we all know didn’t happen the virus continues to spread on the run-up to Christmas we have gone back into quarantine with a curfew. What really worries me about the current situation is that nobody seems willing to admit that this could go on almost indefinitely. Vaccines are here but we don’t know how effective or how long they will last we don’t even know if they will work on all variants of the virus. The latest new variant seems to be much more contagious than the original. And yet every day we see people wandering around without a mask on completely ignoring the dangers . I don’t understand how can people not realise after a year of being told that this virus is spread by virtue of droplets of water in a sneezing, speech, in coughs and yet they wander around thinking themselves immune. It takes two weeks for the symptoms to show so let’s say during a period one person becomes infected, over the two weeks they affect so we say one person a day last now 14 people infected, 14 have also infected everyone else they came into contact with. So it may not be you personally who suffers for scratch you may simply have passed it to your family your grandparents to your sick and then go about denying that it had anything you why are people being so complacent I just don’t know.


We are now into the new year 2021, outside is cold but sunny. People are walking about with scarves their faces all cuddled up against the weather because although it may be 10° out there in Rajasthan that is cold. As soon as the weather warms up again the scarves will disappear as will the pieces of cloth on the face and the virus will pick up and begin to spread again.

Here where we live in a Udaipur the virus has become almost a day to day accepted danger and people are just ignoring it now and that is so so crazy. Chris and I are both trying very hard to limit the number of people who come within range of Gita. Any sign of infection in her immediate family well have serious consequences because of the risks to her the operation will be delayed probably by 12 months another year before she can be operated on. Needless to say we don’t allow contact with strangers and we have a small circle of trusted people who visit beyond that we are very very careful.


Where this will eventually lead I have no idea, pollution has fallen, population has fallen and may be more of the same is yet to come. I am just so worried that we will all become so complacent after the vaccine that we will leave ourselves wide open and vulnerable to another variant. And the variant that comes? We may not be able to stop this one if it happens? Will we react, will we improve? Are we willing to restrict our freedoms and our socialising? I doubt it, the human race never seems to react until it is too late.  


Since writing this things here have definitively improved. Deaths and infections are falling rapidly and their is a feeling now that vaccination has begun that we may be past the worst with only 24 new cases in Udaipur. When vaccination will reach the ordinary or tribal people i have no idea.                                                                                                                      

A new lorry for Amba and Husband. Coming up in the world.                                                                                                                                                               

Geeta with a new friend

Pooja a friend with Geeta

Geeta has been helping me plan Chris’s 70th Birthday party which we are having next month, just a small number of friends to celebrate and keep within Covid guidelines. I’ll do the catering this time as money is as very short but lots of baking ahead and Geeta and I are getting very excited by the prospect.

The garden swing needed painting.............You choose the colour we said. So she  
did, every colour we have!

veggie soup, after cooking we zapped it in the blender

A look around the garden.

Lurking in the veggie basket

This years compost, this is from our big blue barrel
that when full goes here and rots down nicely for
planting time after monsoon.

Our own Limes!!!

Geeta's pet snake...........................Rubber!

Papya nearly ready

Pond looking good, water cress growing very well

Mango..hundreds on the tree


Herbs and Celery

Drying ready to put in jars

Water Cress ready to add to the pond.

Log pile is going down. Plenty left yet.

Our friend Peter’s older brother was married on December 28th and we were invited. What a lovely event. We have included a few photo’s to give you a flavour of the whole thing. This was a Christian wedding, but smaller in numbers due to Covid restrictions, it was strange sitting in church separate from Chris. At this time of year it gets very cold here in the evenings so we were very pleased to sit around an open fire at the reception.

Peter as you have never seen him.
He is dancing with the maid of honour.
He was best man and did a huge
amount of work to make sure it was a 
great day for his brother and new Bride

Wear a suit they said


This was an exciting time for Geeta, we decided to open presents in the morning, just Chris, Geeta and me. This was a special time and Geeta got to play with her toys before people arrived for our Christmas buffet. Amba and family all came, Geeta’s parents came also but could only stay overnight due to commitments in their village with caring for the animals. But Geeta made the most of it and had bought presents for her parents with her own pocket money, she was so chuffed to be able to do this. Other friends visited throughout the day so we could maintain social distancing.

Geeta’s favourite part was the Christmas tree, decorating it and making snowmen for friends and family.

Boxing day we celebrated the British way with Roast Turkey and as many of the trimmings as we can get here in India, and yes it was yummy.


 Amba looking so happy with her gift from us and Melisa


A twin tub washing machine,
this will be a huge help for her.

David, Kris, Mel Geeta and Chris boxing day dinner.

Er...this was slightly alcoholic

Mel and Peter with the snowmen, Geeta made for them

My family Grand parents, Amba's mother and step father

Kris's birthday/ Christmas cake 

Christmas family pic

Traditional re unite wedding, every year we are given
these by a close friends mom.

I managed to make 36 fish cakes the other day, they’re in the freezer now but as they were so tasty I don’t know how long they will last.



Bacon butty anyone

Chris has started to share his wine making knowledge with three friends so he is back into teaching mode and thoroughly enjoying it. Our friends Mel, Jasminder and Pooja seem to be having a whale of a time if last weeks laughter was anything to go by. It’s a practical seminar where they put their learning into practice under Chris’s guidance. Can’t wait to test the end product in a couple of months if not sooner.

Geeta is due for review next month with the plastic surgeon, whilst very excited and keen to have the operation she is obviously a little nervous but we have been totally honest with her about what will happen and ways to cope with the pain. She is a very rounded little girl and is constantly happy, a joy to be around. She continues to ask many questions about everything ie, why where what and how does that work for instance. Chris and I don’t dumb it down we are honest and give her information that she can understand in a way that is easy for her to process.

A few weeks ago she went to her first children’s birthday party which was exciting for her; we plan to have a party for her 8th birthday in March with a few of her friends and cousins. So Chris and I will be planning games and challenges.

Breaking news, Geeta is to start private tuition at the local school, St Anthony’s which has a fabulous reputation. This offer came out of the blue, but is a huge answer to prayer as the young man offering tuition is related to the owners, and runs the school; and he was so impressed with Geeta who he met at the wedding that he is doing this for her. Geeta is very excited, we need to concentrate on reading as this has been an area of difficulty for us. 

Well that’s all from

Kris, Chris and Geeta in the City of the Lakes, Udaipur.

God bless you all and stay safe