Hello all,
Sorry this is a bit late but we got really busy at the end of the month.
Well it’s
been a funny month. The monsoon arrived for a couple of days then, nothing.
Its rained
a little but nothing like it should, by now we should be complaining that we
are being flooded! Joking aside all we can do is pray for proper monsoon rain.
So much and so many lives depend on this once a year replenishment of the aquifers.
So far it’s not looking good.
On the
subject of water. We had a slow leak of our toilet; water was dribbling into
the bowl from a leaking seal in the cistern, not a lot only enough to just
notice. How many of us would have looked and thought nothing of it……..I will
repair it tomorrow, as I did.
came and we had no water in our tank. That very small leak had drained 500ltrs
overnight. It’s now been repaired but it has made me think about the number of
taps that must be dripping and the water wastage from that apparently
insignificant source. Needless to say none of our taps now leak.
If you live
in a dry area and depend on the monsoon please try to stop any wastage you can,
it all helps save the water for the end of summer when wells start going dry
Stop drips, it may look as though it doesn't matter but think what a few hundred like this would mean. |
Update on
Geeta has
much more movement in her shoulder and now some movement in her elbow which is
severely contracted and reduced swelling in her hand and fingers. This is due
to Geeta continuing with the exercises and passive movements I have taught her.
She is really excited with the improvement but without more prayer she will
still need surgery to correct her deformity. But the exercises were started to
get her into a positive state of mind that once she has surgery she will have
to exercise regularly and yes she is aware she will have pain. She also knows
that although she has some movement she will still require surgery.
I am still
overwhelmed at the change in her since last September and how she is determined
to do all she can to improve her condition. There are many adults who could not
endure a tenth of what she has been through. Geeta has an amazing spirit and
sense of fun. She brings so much joy into peoples lives.
thought she had been with us for about eighteen months to two years because of
the change in her and her understanding and speaking English so clearly and
using contractions appropriately, but it was just last September when she came
into our lives.
appetite and diet continues to be good and she is becoming a connoisseur of
some foods, she likes apple and English Cheese, but is too young to have it
with red wine at the moment, but she knows what she likes and really is not a
picky child and will try anything at least once, maybe she will be a food
critic in the future.
Geeta had accidents not only at night but through the day when she got so involved in what she was doing she would forget to use the toilet, I decided to reward her for being dry day and night using the star system. Amazing results, she has been wet once through the day and once at night in the last month. Her rewards are for having five stars for day (one colour) and five stars at night (in another colour). We do not buy her expensive toys but she has treats such as ice-cream and mango, or she is allowed to go out with me shopping in the market which is top of her like to do list. (Note from Chris.........always costs more when they both go!)

As she had done so well for a month now we bought her a toy elephant which she has named Dumbo and she takes him everywhere. We took her to see the new Dumbo film at the cinema (a huge treat for her) we had a lot of fun it was in 3D.
We had a shoe rack that we used as book shelves and we have given Geeta free reign to paint it without our interfering and controlling things. I did think we may have ended up with either a big muddy mess or a potential Jackson Pollack. She allowed me to do some minor painting with her choice of colour. Have to admit it looks great in her bedroom with her teddies and things on it. So far she is keeping her room tidy with a little bit of encouragement thrown in, long may it last.
Geeta in her painting shirt, its not that clean now covered in paint |
She has very good painting skills especially as she is having to use her left hand and is naturally right handed |
Geeta is checking her work |
Master artist at work deciding where to paint next |
Perim, Geeta's cousin during one of his visits |
Geeta loves playing in the rain, she is looking for frogs here, we have several around the garden and she loves them |
Were doing a rain dance, lots of fun |
Double trouble Perim and Geeta |
Some views of our front garden
Orange tree with its first fruit |
Beautiful fragrant roses |
Hey guys lets plan our escape when they're not looking it worked in "Chicken Run" |
Geeta looking lovely in the garden. She loves plants and always wants to help sowing seeds. |
Entrance to our front garden I think its lovely, the garden I always dreamed of thanks Chris |
Tomato plants have popped up |
Sweet corn doing well |
Jamun tree in our garden, and a kilo of jam made from the fruit. Its very similar to a plum jam.
These are Jamun seedlings grown from the stones of this year’s
fruit. Our intention is to grow them on a little in individual pots. As soon as
they are big enough just before next year’s monsoon we will donate then to be planted
in villages that will benefit from good shade trees that produce great fruit.
Early carrots, an English sweet variety
An Indian version of runner bean. One of the seed packs we will bring back with us. Wish we could get Thomson and Morgan here. |
Must clear the weeds they have sprung up through the bricks during monsoon. The square in the centre covers the drain so we plan to make a feature of it probably with a table |
Hanging baskets coming into flower in our back patio area |
The spice rack is coming along. Chris made them with Kris help so its a joint effort to be able to see
what we have and not have to hunt in odd drawers.
We both enjoy cooking so this is fabulous
We have been looking at ways to encourage Geeta to want to sleep in her own room and so we decided to divide the space in her room to give Geeta her own space. Later we will put up an actual wall and door for her to have privacy if we have other guests. We will paint the room in the colour she chooses, just lets hope her favourite colour doesn’t change to black, currently its blue.
Geeta's bed and all her teddies on her new bookcase she painted. It has encouraged her to keep her room tidy |
Geeta's relaxing in her new bedroom with her own desk and sofa to chill out, she is wearing her new t shirt which says "Time to Dance" something she loves doing, she is going to be a real party girl. |
These two single beds will become integral to the guest room with a wall dividing Geeta's room it is currently separated by the wardrobes on the left and a sofa. |
Chris and I are preparing to return to the UK to reapply for our visas as you can only renew in country for five years. We may also be changing jobs, more on this next month. Whilst it will be nice to see family and friends we could do without the hassle or financial commitment it will take, what with airfares, accommodation and food. We will be arriving on 4th September after a very long direct flight. Our plans of what we will do are not settled fully but we will start out in Kent at my brothers for several days as we have to visit London to update our passports before driving North. I expect we won’t recognise my brother’s children it’s been five years since we last saw them. I am looking forward to doing some art and craft with them. (Kris)
We are hoping to visit the Jazz Club in Edinburgh for big band night. It is one of our fondest memories. We really enjoy the visit, good jazz and beer then a local Chinese for food and back to travel lodge just around the corner. Up and away next morning.
We seem to be developing not only the itinerary but also a list of 'must bring backs'. Among them are varieties of different seeds we cant get here.
Well guys that's all for now, will probably get to see some of you in September when we come to England.
Take care and God bless from
Chris, Kris and Geeta in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
We seem to be developing not only the itinerary but also a list of 'must bring backs'. Among them are varieties of different seeds we cant get here.
Well guys that's all for now, will probably get to see some of you in September when we come to England.
Take care and God bless from
Chris, Kris and Geeta in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India