Well, another month has gone by. The temperature here is rising daily sooner than is normal. We hear today many parts of the world are experiencing 'freak' weather, snow storms, and heat waves. Today on BBC news...Helsinki warmer then Nice.......how crazy is that!
The world climate is changing in front of our eyes and yet many still deny it’s happening or argue about the cause.
Isn't it time our politicians faced the truth and told us. Protecting a seat, towing the party line or being afraid of the impact on business is NOT a reason to continue to lie to the world. But can we ever expect the truth from our politicians? Under the current system, a politician is allowed to tell the electorate ANYTHING with no fear of being penalised.
For or against Brexit? Is just one of the many campaigns based on lies that the British public has no choice but to accept. Make your choice, vote and if you voted for a liar don’t worry, they won’t.
How can the average person make a rational choice when both sides feed us lies to gain our support? MP’s are paid, we pay them as taxpayers………….and we can’t believe or trust them.
In Britain right now house prices are crashing, debt is out of control, the homeless live on the streets, the numbers are carefully disguised by our government and since the introduction of universal credit, these numbers are rising sharply. Food banks that give out free food to the needy are now common. Please note I said needy, not just homeless.
“Since, I think 2010, the number of people relying on food banks has gone up from the tens of thousands to the millions.” Source, The Russel trust. 2017.
What can we really do about it? NOTHING as long as we are prepared to go on allowing our government to treat us as a commodity with no rights, a work pool, homelessness and hunger used as a means of keeping wages low and profits high.
I despair that my once ‘Great’ Britain no longer exists.
Perhaps it is the time we really considered revisiting the proposal to introduce criminal proceedings against MP’s who knowingly misinform (read LIE) to us the electorate.
Sir Malcolm Bruce says the House of Commons would 'empty' if politicians had to resign for lying.
Using deceit, lies or misdirection to pass legislation or support a position is unacceptable and must stop before we can have any chance of a social or financial recovery.
Britain is what YOU make it, apathy leads to the destruction of democracy.
Our Garden

Sweet peas and our main border now growing well
The herb pots Mint, Baby Leeks, Sage, Lettuce and Coriander

Comments from Kris
Well, it’s our second winter finished. We have learned so much this year. Winter one was done on the spur of the moment winter two was better planned but still not as good as we can make it. To begin with, at the beginning of November we had no stock to distribute. As donations came in we bought and distributed blankets to the poor who needed them. This we are going to change Warm Aid 2018 will start to distribute at the beginning of November BEFORE contributions start coming in. We are doing this by holding any donations we haven’t used this year. For instance, thanks to better publicity more people have helped us than ever before. But for some, it was too late in the winter. If we buy and distribute now most will just get sold as they are not needed. That’s not why we do this. It feels so wrong to waste donations like that. So we are using all the donations we have now and buying blankets that we will hold in stock until November. During the year we will try to raise more money and buy more blankets. In November we can distribute from day one.
Our Garden
Our centre bed, flowers yet to come.
Sweet peas and our main border now growing well
The herb pots Mint, Baby Leeks, Sage, Lettuce and Coriander
Tomato time soon, yummy.
Our mango tree, each of the flower sprays is a potential mango.
We are feeding and watering in the hope it will fruit.
We moved it when we moved in from a shaded spot to full sun
since then its been growing much better.
Leeks in Udaipur! Now we know how more will no doubt
be planted next year!
On a sad note one of our chickens died, we tried nursing her to health but she just gave up alas...............and no we did not eat her.
Goa. The Four-Chapter Meet.
When IBRMC announced that the four southernmost chapters were going to hold a meet on the beach at Goa, well what could we do? 2000km away.
Well we had to go for it didn’t we, he he he.
So, unofficially it became ‘The four chapter meet plus us’

Comments from Kris
Chris and I had the pleasure of joining the IBRMC quad meet in Goa at the beginning of the month.
We set off from home mid-afternoon to get our coach to Ahmedabad, where we would fly onto Goa. The coach turned out to be a minibus, comfortable airline type seats so all was good.
We received a message telling us our flight was delayed by an hour, no issue more time to eat before boarding. We arrived at airport circle which was 1km from the airport, no autos about so we decided on a gentle walk to the airport. We checked in still one hour delay so we headed off to get a drink. We then had a further two delays so I headed to the subway stall to get us some sandwiches, yummy, fresh bread and produce, it was very busy. After several hours delay, our flight disappeared off the board as had some others before it, so I thought oh no it’s going to be cancelled. Hurray, it was just a blip as they moved us from one boarding gate to another and at last, we boarded. Good flight, we landed in Goa and set off to get a taxi at around 3am, deal done and we were away.
We got to our destination near the beach at 4.30am but could not locate the venue “Jamaica’s Cabo Wabo” at Arambol beach; we did, however, find the restaurant Ash which we knew was nearby so the driver dropped us as he could go no further because of the sand. We spent some time walking around trying to find the resort, alas no we couldn’t and no reply to phoning them, so we sat down in the sand and waited for morning. Around 6am they answered the phone and said they would be with us in a minute. It turned out that the sign was facing the sea and access was behind another hotel. We slept for a couple of hours in our beach hut on stilts. It had a bed with mosquito net, bathroom with shower, sink and toilet with a small balcony outside. Basic but all you want from a beach hut.
Catching up with old friends from around India and making new friends with a beer in your hand, beautiful view of the sea and beach what more could you want. The food was excellent as was the hospitality of the owners. We went paddling in the sea, sat around a fire one evening and just had a brilliant time. Definitely would visit again.
The resort organised a taxi for us to return to the airport, very comfortable. On the journey, I got a message saying bus had broken down and was cancelled, ah well we’ll sort out something when we get to the airport. Alas no flights from Ahmedabad to Udaipur so coach or train only options, no issue we’ll sort when we get to Ahmedabad late afternoon.
We sourced a company doing coaches to Udaipur and got a taxi to the booking office. Last sleeper upper berth yes we’ll take it, getting us home around 2am. Now we needed food as we were both very hungry. I asked around for restaurants or cafes nothing seemed near, but one man told me I could get a non veg meal at the Metropole Hotel nearby so off we went.
I left Chris outside with the bags whilst I checked it out, Yes they served food and knew we had only a limited time before our coach was due. The Manager was more than obliging ensuring our comfort despite our casual dress and made sure our meals were received in good time. The food was excellent; we had Chicken sizzler and chicken fried rice absolutely beautifully cooked. Meal eaten so we walked back to our pick up point. (Kris fell over on the way by stepping around a pothole she, wobbled and……..yep ended up falling into it. No damage, and I didn’t even laugh!) (Chris)
Yet again a delay, traffic problems and our coach was an hour late. Too chilled to worry, such is life, but despite all the delays the trip away was fun and relaxing.
The coach was comfy and the driver was excellent, I know I stood at the front for about 45mins so I could tell him where to drop us, and by Indian bus drivers I have seen our driver was first class. Dropped off we rang our friend Peter who was staying at our home to come and collect us. Yeah home again after a fabulous break. Our two dogs were so excited to see us, they had been looked after by our friend Disha who stayed at ours during our break. The dogs love her so were a bit broody but happy to have someone they knew around during our absence.

Chris had his birthday this month and the plan was for me to take him out for a meal, but that was changed last minute as I was ill so meal cancelled and delayed. Friends knew so they turned up to celebrate and we had takeaway instead.
Last evening I took Chris to Wok by the Lake a Chinese restaurant we had not been to so taxi booked and off we went. Could not find the restaurant despite Google, so the driver phoned them to be told it was inside Radisson Blu hotel. When we got there I realised this was the Sheraton Hotel, very posh, let’s hope the foods good.
In one word Yes it was. A very authentic Chinese restaurant not Indian version of Chinese, lovely food with a great bottle of Chardonnay which went down a treat.
Guess where I want to go for my birthday, hint hint Chris.
Meant to take a picy sooner, got into the food so forgot.
Warm Aid
Well, it’s our second winter finished. We have learned so much this year. Winter one was done on the spur of the moment winter two was better planned but still not as good as we can make it. To begin with, at the beginning of November we had no stock to distribute. As donations came in we bought and distributed blankets to the poor who needed them. This we are going to change Warm Aid 2018 will start to distribute at the beginning of November BEFORE contributions start coming in. We are doing this by holding any donations we haven’t used this year. For instance, thanks to better publicity more people have helped us than ever before. But for some, it was too late in the winter. If we buy and distribute now most will just get sold as they are not needed. That’s not why we do this. It feels so wrong to waste donations like that. So we are using all the donations we have now and buying blankets that we will hold in stock until November. During the year we will try to raise more money and buy more blankets. In November we can distribute from day one.
Figures for this year: 301 blankets given to the needy in and around Udaipur.
235 blankets in stock for 2018.
One dead person found on the cold bare marble steps in a thin shirt and pants, no shoes. We covered him with a blanket out of respect.
He was one we didn’t get to in time. But thank God he was the only one this year we found.
We have three volunteers who worked all winter with us and many people who came at least once to help distribute blankets.
Donations came in from ordinary caring people, Rs100 to Rs10,000. The generosity of people has inspired us in our work. Thank you all. And a special thank you to Varshit Karanpuria of Karanpuria Cloth Centre, Udaipur who supplies us with good quality wool blankets at a greatly reduced price as his contribution to our cause, he even pays for delivery of blankets to us.
To everyone who has helped in any way we thank you, you have saved lives. What better testament can anyone have for what they achieved in their life than this.
A final meeting of Warm Aid 2017 will take place soon to discuss this year and plans for next year. Some awards will be given to various people for their help and support. More on this next month.
We will soon officially close Warm Aid 2017, and start collecting for 2018.
235 blankets in stock for 2018.
One dead person found on the cold bare marble steps in a thin shirt and pants, no shoes. We covered him with a blanket out of respect.
He was one we didn’t get to in time. But thank God he was the only one this year we found.
We have three volunteers who worked all winter with us and many people who came at least once to help distribute blankets.
Donations came in from ordinary caring people, Rs100 to Rs10,000. The generosity of people has inspired us in our work. Thank you all. And a special thank you to Varshit Karanpuria of Karanpuria Cloth Centre, Udaipur who supplies us with good quality wool blankets at a greatly reduced price as his contribution to our cause, he even pays for delivery of blankets to us.
To everyone who has helped in any way we thank you, you have saved lives. What better testament can anyone have for what they achieved in their life than this.
A final meeting of Warm Aid 2017 will take place soon to discuss this year and plans for next year. Some awards will be given to various people for their help and support. More on this next month.
We will soon officially close Warm Aid 2017, and start collecting for 2018.
Well thats all from us this month
Take care and God Bless
Chris and Kris in sunny Udaipur, Rajasthan.