Welcome to this months blog.
Our story
Part 6
We had travelled to places we never knew existed, stayed in people’s homes and been treated as honoured guests by the families we had met for the first time in Albania.
We returned to the UK and went on with our lives, now somewhat confused by Gods message to go to Albania. We had arrived back home tired and bruised from a fall in the mountains on gravel slopes in my case, and in Kris’s case whilst taking a shower, Albanian style, hold the nozzle over your head and wash with the other hand while standing in a slippery bathtub. Our home church sends regular ‘missions’ to Albania to help support the churches there but we felt no desire to become part of that work.
We had really enjoyed our honeymoon in Albania but were both left wondering why God had sent us. Why send us then leave us wondering why?
We were happy to be home again after three weeks away.
Albania is a country that in a few years will be gone as the developers throw up their ‘budget’ hotels, restaurants and bars to part the tourists from their money. Gone will be the simple beauty and the trusting friendliness of the people, the warmth of genuine smiles of welcome, replaced by greed and pre packed Albanian souvenirs. Gone also will be the lack of clean water, education and health care will be developed, and there will be jobs for the young people, a general rise in the standard of living. They will join the European Community, become part of a conglomerate of European cultures, taking their place in a giant social experiment that in the authors opinion is doomed to failure for reasons too numerous to discuss here.
They will gain so much but something inside me warns of what they will also lose. I hope in twenty years’ time Fatos is still proud of his Tirana and his country, and can still make an honest living there.
Later that year we asked God for help and guidance, all we felt was that we were being sent “where you will do the most good”. For months we wondered and searched for an explanation but none came.
During this time Kris was healed by God of a degenerative illness and because she now could prove to the doctors that her illness was healing they agreed to give her titanium knees so she could walk with less pain. This was something she had been refused previously as they full expected her to be in a wheel chair soon as there is no cure for degenerative progressive spondylosis of the spine or osteo arthritis of the joints.
X- Rays showed the damage, the determination of her spine from the very first diagnosis that caused her medical retirement as a senior nurse up to her last examination that showed the steadily increasing damage.
There is NO doubt in our minds that this is God’s work and we were witnessing a true miracle.
The UK was the same for us, work we could do that no doubt would help others, but no word from God. Again our church does work in the community that we could have become involved with, evangelism, helping people in need through a ‘food bank’ scheme, and many other very worthwhile projects. There was plenty we could have done but nothing that truly called us.
We are both ‘people’ persons, we have lived lives that give us both skills that we can use to help people and perhaps encourage them to come to the lord. But there wasn’t that compulsion that we both believed God would give us when we found what he wanted us to do. We just had to have faith in Him and let His plan for us reveal itself to us in His time.
Faith; What can I say, if you take everything that has happened to Kris and I as coincidence then it would be a list as long as a toilet roll.
It has nothing to do with our faith really that list; it is just a list, so where do you stop calling it coincidence and admit that there must be a guiding hand? When Jesus saved me, for the first time in my life my eyes were opened and I could really see, I can’t explain it, you have to experience it for yourself.
We had prayed together asking for His guidance many times. As a young Christian I felt God having sent us to Albania and having been so clear in His message could have done a little better than ‘go where you will do the most good’. Perhaps a small hint? No, God was leading us but we had to follow in faith without any idea of His plan, perhaps it was meant to show us just that, we had to follow in faith.
We often tell people that we are in a small boat, we paddle Jesus steers, where we are going we don’t know but as long as we allow Jesus to steer we have nothing to fear. The problems occur when we stray from this, when we try to steer, then, confusion and misdirection rule our lives, this is when the dark one tries to stop us, give us doubts and fears we can’t handle. We argue we lose sight of where we are and who we are, we are alone. It is only when we come again through this storm that we cannot navigate and give control again to Jesus that we are safe, the bible says:
(Ephesians 6:16-24 English Standard Version (ESV))
16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.
Take up the Shield of faith, put our lives in His hands and no storm of man or the dark one can threaten us. This has not been an easy lesson to learn especially for me as I by upbringing and nature want to keep control and not trust anyone, in that I am wrong, I know it, but sometimes it can be so hard to just “step back” and take up that shield. Kris and I are never alone; we walk with Christ, where we are going I don’t know but some things have been revealed to us only in the last few days.
Nearly three years ago while living in the UK Kris and I made the decision to completely give our lives to God. To live by faith in His guidance and to follow where He led.
It wasn’t a “snap” decision, in fact months passed until the moment we knelt holding hands and prayed and really committed ourselves body and soul to him we had come to where there was doubt and fear holding us back. From then on our path was clear to us. This is not to say we understood what or where our work lay, we didn’t, or that we didn’t suffer doubts and fear anymore, we did, but we held onto our faith and allowed Jesus to make our way straight, trust me, at times that wasn’t easy for either of us.
We have wondered many times why when we wanted to come to India for our honeymoon God clearly spoke to us independently that we should not, but that we should go to Albania. Why? That mystery would be answered, but not to us at that time.
I (Kris) was offered my operation before we got married but wanted to wait so I had surgery after we returned from honeymoon. I knew the surgery would be painful with lots of physiotherapy to get function in my knee post operatively. But I was prepared to do the work to be able to walk again.
The day of the surgery Chris walked with me to the operating theatre and reluctantly left me in their capable hands. They wouldn’t let me watch the operation, worried I may make a sudden move so I had lots of sedation and a spinal anaesthetic, I was totally unaware of proceedings and woke up in the ward with Chris waiting for me. Yes the pain was immense and the physio gruelling but with ice packs I was determined to do all I could to make the surgery a success. Chris told me he had booked a holiday as a treat to help me recover. Off to India in 6 wks time, the other patients and staff said no way would I make it but Helen my senior physio knew better and said not a problem. The other patients thought they had misheard and that Chris was taking me somewhere in the UK, but I knew differently, India here we come. I continued with physio after discharge from hospital my aim to make that holiday a reality and although still using walking aids I achieved my goal with the support of Chris and Helen.
I had arranged a holiday in the sun for us, to help her get through what was a painful recovery, so of course we came to India.
The decision is made.
We were on Holiday having arrived in Mumbai in the early hours of the morning so we stayed at a hotel near the airport before arriving at our hotel in the centre of Mumbai. It was a small Muslim hotel near Crawford market on a very busy road. The taxi driver offered to take us to a different hotel but we said no this is where we were staying. Chris had booked it and checked the reviews not telling me the night before we left the UK he had seen a really bad review from an American saying it was a hovel within a hovel and that the staff were surly and unhelpful. I’m pleased I had no preconceptions and we were warmly welcomed and looked after. It was a basic room but had everything we needed aircon, fan, bathroom, fridge and even a TV. We received English papers daily and I would return for a further stay. The staff were actually shy, it was a family run hotel and we were made to feel very welcome. I was in my element as we were close to the art galleries and museums so lots to see and do. Crawford market was an experience as we were escorted around by the market walla, it was his job to see we got the best deals and were treated fairly. Chris had an amazing conversation with a Muslim guest as we sat on the balcony discussing our faith. We even went to see a movie whilst there and joined in with the boos and cheers just like the locals definitely an experience we will always remember. Our plan was to spend a few days in Mumbai before going to Udaipur to visit and stay with friends then off to Delhi for a few days before leaving India for Paris.
We arrived late in the evening at the airport in Udaipur to be met by Janet and taken to the campus at Filadelfia. We spent 8 days in Udaipur doing the tourist visits to the sights and look at the magnificent lakes. Our friends Andrew and Mark were also in Udaipur for a holiday at this time so we caught up with them and all Janet was doing since she came to Udaipur to live and work. It was during these few days that I bought my first sari and Chris fell in love with Udaipur. I knew it had cast its spell on him but for me I never make quick decisions so continued to seek God’s guidance and enjoy my holiday. We went to a local park with Andrew and it was here we prayed for God’s guidance on what and where we should do. Before we left Udaipur I knew Chris would happily return here to live. It would take me a little longer. The night before we left Udaipur for Delhi I ate a meat pastry out of politeness which I knew I should avoid, Chris had more sense and avoided it. I suffered terrible Delhi belly and regretted my decision. The flight to Delhi was difficult as I spent most of the time in the bathroom but we made it in one piece and eventually got to our hotel. I then spent two or three days recovering so we saw very little of Delhi itself. We did however go on a tour to the Taj Mahal and although feeling better I was still unwell so I saw less of the place than Chris as I slept on a bench whilst Chris went inside the Taj Mahal. I still have fond memories of the Taj but hope in the future for a further visit so I can see all I missed.
After leaving India we spent a few days in Paris. Ahh so good to have a bath after all the showers in India. Having a bath really helped ease the pain in my knees. We stayed in a lovely hotel four stars, Chris had treated me to some luxury. He had also booked me tickets to the Louvre where I had wanted to go since childhood and booked us a romantic meal on the Eiffel Tower one evening. The Louvre was mind blowing and Chris joined me for an hour before heading off to see Napoleons museum, he thoroughly enjoyed it and we met up again at the hotel. The meal at the Eiffel Tower was very romantic and special, food was excellent and we had window seats so got to see a beautiful view of the city all lit up at night. Chris got mega brownie points for that and the tickets to the Louvre. Then we had to come home to the cold wet weather of England and the North East in November.
We had visited Albania on our honeymoon and seen where there could be work for us but there but there wasn't the compulsion we both felt we would feel when we found where we were He wanted us to go.
We had also looked at working in the UK but nothing ‘fitted’, we prayed but no word other than ‘go where you will do the most good’ came to us until that day in Udaipur. Then we were truly answered.
if I was to begin where this journey started for us it would be November 2011 in a park in India with Andrew (a friend and mentor) praying for guidance from God.
I came home knowing that Udaipur for me was now where I had to be, it took Kris about three days to admit it ‘I want some time to think’ for three days she was subjected to India wherever she looked. On TV ‘Top Gear from India’ then ‘Truckers’ yes, from India. So it went on until a bus passed her ‘Visit amazing India’ emblazoned along its side. She held my hand looked up and said ‘Ok God I give in, I get it’! We were going to India.
To list all the times the path we have walked to get here was smoothed flat by God would take more than I could write but let me put it this way. In December of 2011 Kris and I knelt and prayed, we said the words, we gave our lives to Jesus to do with as he chose, and we would follow where he led no matter what the cost to us as individuals. There was no doubt in our hearts, no limits set, only a deep desire to serve Him as He commanded. We have told many people who have asked that this relocation isn’t our idea or plan but God’s, some understand and bless us for our faith others think we have gone mad.
I clearly remember a neighbour remarking when he heard we were selling all of our possessions to give to the poor of India that ‘charity begins at home’ and we really must have cracked. I did my best to explain why, and maybe he understood a little better after that there is a higher purpose to this life than just getting all the money and possessions possible from it no matter the cost to your soul.
When Jesus chose his disciples he didn't say ‘Go home and sort out your affairs so you will be secure in the future, put your possessions in store and fill up your bank account’ He simply said ‘Come, follow me’, and in complete faith they did.
I tried to explain that to him, maybe I planted a seed there, and to this day I don’t know if he understood, I pray so.
In time we sold or gave away all we owned and the money raised from that, my book sales and the many many generous donations we received from individuals and churches raised the total far above our original target.
It all went to Panawar Boys Hostel in India, and make a real lasting difference to their lives and to the lives of other boys who will pass through that hostel in future years. To all who gave we cannot say how much your gift has meant to us, and to the boys at Panawar.
When we began selling our possessions prior to coming here we had never visited Panawar, there is no doubt in our minds that this is where the money will do the most good, those who know us have heard us say many times 'It was not our choice to donate to Panawar we were told to'.
We had never even seen the hostel but knew that God had told us to do it, just the same as he now leads us day by day and overcomes all in our path. That really is the story of our coming here to India, God spoke and we listened.
Friends have asked 'How did you know' what can I say, have you ever experienced a compulsion, a need so great that it dominates all your thinking, you can’t make plans or even go day to day without feeling it in your heart, it was like that for us it never let up.
Every obstacle to our coming here was removed, everything that we needed was provided, and it was a year that always amazes us even to this day
Finally the day of our departure from England came; it had not come without pain and stress, even doubt, but throughout God guided our way and stayed at our side.
At one point we were living in an empty house with no possessions other than a few basics, even the bed we were sleeping in had been sold.
We had applied for work visa’s but as the weeks passed and our possessions were being sold worry and doubt came and went, and still no visa’s.
A young couple we knew were thinking about God so one wet weekend we travelled 70 miles to take them to church where they lived and help them onto the path to salvation.
We wondered if this was why we had not yet received our Visa’s. Perhaps this had been why His timing wasn’t yet ours.
We had complete faith that God was guiding us so He was in charge.
There was no ‘plan B’ we were then and are now in God’s hands.
Even our own pastor was beginning to worry, what if?
Sadly while we were waiting a very fine woman and mother of a great friend in the UK who had been suffering passed into God’s hands.
She had known the ‘old’ me and had seen the change in me. She had also read my book and on one occasion when I had visited her we had talked about Jesus in my life. She was an atheist and had been for as long as I had known her.
On the day of her funeral our Visa’s came.
Something that surprised many people was that she had requested a minister perform the funeral ceremony, perhaps at the end she accepted and was forgiven into His arms. We both pray so.
Within a few days we were booked on a flight to India.
Some tearful farewells, saying goodbye to friends of many years is not easy.
We will miss you all but the joy we both feel now and on that day overcomes all.
We haven’t left; we have come at last to where we should be.
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2nd year students taking a short break from Humanities class at our home |
At last, after five years!
Super fast burner bottom left |
Our old four ring burner which will find a new home, nothing is wasted |
Papya growing well |
Below lots of pictures of our cactus collection, we plan to increase the number and variety of plants
Our centre bed with flowering cacti |
Its getting bigger will it flower |
Demolishing the old chicken coup and turning it into a kitchen garden |
Below our Kitchen garden starting to transform with seeds sown in bowls and direct planting into the ground. This year we will have capsicum, carrots, cabbage, turnip, tomatoes to name a few.
As we now have an RO water dispenser we wanted to conserve the waste water as for every litre used you waste seven litres. So Chris has put the waste water pipe to an outside barrel where we will use the waste water in the garden, no waste.
Hanging in the water we have a bag of chicken poo, it gives us a super liquid fertilizer. |
Our melons in our version of grow bags oh yummy yummy. Last year we didn't have any......fingers crossed for a good crop. |
Our girls only seven hens at the moment, so happy with the freedom and space in their new home |
Bleu' and Chilli
Rest time after a mad dash running around the house and garden after each other, they play for hours. |
Its treat time with a bone |
Chilli so cute and mischievous |
Bleu' just taking it all in, she is still shy but starting to come out of her shell around people all thanks to Chilly |
Friend's bike when they stayed overnight with us on their way to Delhi |
Zafar and his bike just before setting off to Delhi |
Lee and his bike, we met him at Bulletiapa Hyderabad |
Its that time of year again.
The clothing has started to arrive, so much for getting my studio back soon. But it is worth it to help those less fortunate than ourselves |
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URCreator our partner in distributing clothing in the rural areas. This has been continuing throughout the year to help mainly women and children. Well done |
At the beginning of October when we went to Hyderabad for our annual motorcycle meet Bulletiapa which we mentioned last month, it was monsoon still and we both got very wet several times so I got a cold and chest infection before staying a few days in the city. What we didn’t realise was that the pollution levels would be pretty high and they triggered my asthma. On returning to Udaipur I was still taking antibiotics but it was not improving, to cut a long story short after five lots of antibiotics, nebulisers, oral steroids and medication for my breathing we had been to the hospital numerous times but I was still wheezy, tired and unwell with chest infections. I then got a urine infection because I was so run down. Chris was naturally worried about me and urged me to seek a second opinion. So off to another hospital where the doctor said I would need admission for Intravenous medications over three days. Luckily they allowed me to come home in the evening. I had three days of intensive intravenous medication to help me breathing and get rid of the infection, because of the number of drugs given IV it had to be slowly infused over six hours. Chris stayed with me the whole time, I don’t remember much as I slept a lot of the time. Still feeling weak I was discharged home on further medication for my breathing with an emergency contact number if needed and for review in ten days if no serious problems. It has been very debilitating going to the kitchen or bathroom exhausts me so going into work was impossible as lots of stairs to climb.
Work kindly agreed that we could hold classes and workshop at our home until the end of the semester when my health should have improved.
I am getting better but still get tired and wheezy on exertion, my sleep is disrupted due to difficulty breathing but I am on the mend so Praise God for that. Thank you to all our friends who have prayed for us at this difficult time. I know Chris was really worried but he has been my rock through this illness. I look forward to getting back to my old self soon.
In view of this we have kept the blog short for this month, Chris needs to recover after looking after me it has been stressful for us both. We have good friends here who were there if we needed them. I think Chris would agree I’m not a good patient, too much knowledge and I don’t like to give in.
Well that is all for this month hope this finds you all well and in good spirits.
We wish you a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year
Take care and God Bless
Chris and Kris in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Well that is all for this month hope this finds you all well and in good spirits.
We wish you a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year
Take care and God Bless
Chris and Kris in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India