This Month:
Winter and the poor
Comments from Kris
It took a lot of work but in the end, I think you will agree it is worth the effort.

Winter and the poor
Comments from Kris
This is blog number 50. We cannot believe we have been in India now four years this November.
So much has happened to us since we arrived as naive foreigners full of new ideas and enthusiasm.
We still have the enthusiasm but the ideas are now based on what is needed in India not what we in the west THINK India needs.
So often a great plan just won’t work here. A classic example is digging pits about a metre round and one deep filling it with soil and human waste that is normally done and left in the fields and topping it off with soil. Then a fruit tree is planted on it. Within a few years it is a flourishing plant giving great crops of fruit. Danger of infection is reduced by removing the habit of defecating in the fields that will grow food crops. In India however the very mention of such an idea is treated with shock. To be involved with human waste is below every caste other than those at the bottom (no pun intended) the Dalit caste formerly known as the untouchables. They do all the dirty work such as this. So what seems a good idea at first glance falls apart due to the Indian social structure.
We have now learnt far more about the society we live in than we knew when we arrived, by living here continuously we now understand better the trials and difficulties faced by ordinary people living in Rajasthan. This knowledge allows us to help more people in a far more effective manner than when we first arrived. 'Warm Aid 2016 ' is a perfect example of help where it is needed at no cost other than the effort of those involved. More on this later in the Blog.
With Gods help we will continue to serve here for years to come.
With Gods help we will continue to serve here for years to come.
"There are three kinds of lies:
lies, damned lies and statistics."
- Mark Twain
- Mark Twain
This has been going around in my head for quite a while now. What finally made me write was a conversation with a friend where he justified lying as acceptable in circumstances (of his choosing). I cannot agree. A liar is untrustworthy, and without trust what is there?
One of the hardest parts of following the teachings of Jesus and the word of God has for me been not to lie. Please do not think that even now I don’t, every day is a challenge to honour the truth and for a Christian to honour the sixth of Gods commandments.
But is it only the Christian faith that ‘disapproves’ of lying?
Position of Islam Regarding Lies and Liars
According to Quran & Sunnah.
According to Quran & Sunnah.
Allah Almighty tells about the source of lying inside the brain of humans, fourteen hundred years ago. Allah tells us how He will deal with the liars, the lying sinful liars, in surah Al Alaq. (chapter 96).
"Allah will grab him by the (naseyah) [frontal lobe of the brain], the lying sinful (naseyah).
Clearly a prohibition against lying.
However the Koran also allows some lies to be told ‘To smooth over differences’ being one example.
In Hinduism.
Hinduism's Code of Conduct
Yama 2 - Truthfulness, Satya
Adhere to truthfulness, refraining from lying and betraying promises. Speak only that which is true, kind, helpful and necessary. Knowing that deception creates distance, don’t keep secrets from family or loved ones. Be fair, accurate and frank in discussions, a stranger to deceit. Admit your failings. Do not engage in slander, gossip or backbiting. Do not bear false witness against another.
Yama 8 - Honesty, Arjava
Maintain honesty, renouncing deception and wrong doing. Act honourably even in hard times. Obey the laws of your nation and locale. Pay your taxes. Be straightforward in business. Do an honest day’s work. Do not bribe or accept bribes. Do not cheat, deceive or circumvent to achieve an end. Be frank with yourself. Face and accept your faults without blaming them on others.
“If I were asked to define the Hindu creed, I should simply say: Search after truth through non-violent means. A man may not believe in God and still call himself a Hindu. Hinduism is a relentless pursuit after truth... Hinduism is the religion of truth. Truth is God. Denial of God we have known. Denial of truth we have not known.” Mahatma Gandhi
In Christianity.
You shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another.
Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.
The Bible says in James 3:8, "But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." The tongue can be the most wicked weapon on earth, so use it wisely and speak your words with caution. As Christians, we shouldn't fill our lives with deceit. We should always strive to leave honest, open lives that are full of trust and love. But, since we are all human, sometimes it is hard to avoid lying.
A case for lies can be made when you are acting to do God’s work in a hostile environment. Perhaps as an underground church or Bible distribution to Christians in a country where Christianity is disapproved of.
So the major faith groups (not to imply that this sample represents all faiths) tend to be on the same page regarding lies.
So why do we lie?
I would like to quote from a paper by Dr. David B. Hawkins dealing with lying in a relationship.
When it comes to deception, it takes very little to violate trust.
Trust is a critical requirement for any relationship. Think about it. We learn we can trust someone, and share our lives with them, because they do what they say they are going to do. We learn to trust someone because they say what they mean and mean what they say. They are trustworthy.
Trust is the foundation that holds a marriage up. I tell you what is important to me and what I expect from you. If you agree to honour and respect what is important to me, I will trust you with my feelings and thoughts. If you dishonour me by violating an agreement, by deceiving me, we’re going to have serious problems. If you make amends for your betrayal, I might, if I determine you to be trustworthy, slowly begin to trust you again. If you don’t seem to understand the importance of honouring an agreement, and the importance of protecting my trust in you, we cannot have a relationship.
First, someone lies because they have something to hide.
Second, someone lies because they feel they can—it works for them. Liars believe they will get away with telling a lie. They believe they won’t get caught, and so will continue to lie until they discover that this is not working for them.
Third, someone lies because they believe they have a right to lie
Finally, habitual liars lie because of serious character problems. I’ve discussed the “crazymaking” qualities of liars in my book, Dealing With the CrazyMakers in Your Life .Liars often have a deficit of conscience, as well as “thinking errors,” which allows them to justify their behaviour and even manipulate the problem so that they are somehow the victim. Liars turn the tables on others, making themselves look “good” and others look “bad.” They resist being held accountable for their behaviour.
From my own experience I have seen loving marriages torn apart through lack of trust because one or both partners are caught lying.
To truly love you must truly trust. It is the same with the love of God, to truly love Him you cannot be a liar.
Many Christians justify lies as necessary in a particular circumstance. In most cases this is not true, it’s just easier.
In some way by justifying lies as they do they seem somehow to be able to justify lying to themselves and God.
If you lie you expect it of others because in your heart you don’t know if they are like you. There is no trust.
A man lies to his wife yet claims she never lies to him. How can he make this judgement when by lying to her he shows he does not trust her with the truth. Yet so often this is the way most of us continue in our lives. It is often easier to lie. In our society liars tend to prosper but at what cost. Never to be able to believe or trust is a cost I for one am not willing to pay.
Christine and I have both lost friends because we won’t either lie to them or worse still, for them. We hear the usual excuses, the classic ‘everyone does it’ to get what they want. Not good enough, evil in any form is not acceptable no matter how many partake.
Our leaders lie, not only to us but to themselves. They make promises that they know they cannot keep. Even when caught in the grossest lie they are unmoved and unpunished. Perhaps they believe as Hitler did?
These are the people in the highest position in our society and this is the example they give to our young. The church runs away from confronting issues that are pulling society apart, afraid to offend with the truth.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
― Adolf HitlerThese are the people in the highest position in our society and this is the example they give to our young. The church runs away from confronting issues that are pulling society apart, afraid to offend with the truth.
Whatever the reasons for your lies, and perhaps you do believe there are necessary lies, be certain in your heart that you are not lying just because it’s easier than being honest.
For a Christian there can be only one question Did Jesus lie? If as we claim we are trying to live as he did and try with all our heart to follow His word how then can any lie be justified?
I still don’t know the answer to dishonouring God in this way, how does a society stop?
Maybe by individuals seeing in themselves the truth and recognising the need for trust and honesty to be able to find peace in this world.
Christine and I have found that life is much simpler if it is based on truth. To begin with, you don’t have to remember what you said on a particular subject, because what you said was the truth.
Friends are true friends, people we can trust, and who can trust us. Our whole way of life is more open because of our honesty. No one is perfect, we still catch ourselves taking the easy route, but we try.
So how do we as individuals change society? I think all we can do is try to stop our own lies, and by example encourage others to do the same. Maybe in time that will be enough.
Winter and the poor.
As we commented last month, winter for the very poor can be a killer.
We had the idea of sorting out any spare clothes we had and giving them to the needy.
Well, over the last month this idea has snowballed.
We now have four NGO’s, a college two businesses and many individuals all working to collect spare clothing. Our distribution problems are solved as one of the NGO’s distributes food to the street dweller and very poor so they are ideal to distribute clothes for this project.
This is a broad idea of what we are doing. This is a letter sent to those who want to help.
Chris & Kris 'Warm Aid' 2016
On behalf of those in need, we thank you for your interest and your support. This is a brief provisional outline of the project.
Our aim is to collect as much clothing as possible between now and November and distribute it among the poor and needy in time for winter. We believe that those who have sufficient should help those who have so little in our society. With your help, we can save lives this winter.
· All clothing donated will be distributed to the poor, those people in Udaipur living on the roadside who can’t afford to buy extra clothes for winter.
· We will also distribute 50% of the clothes to the needy in the rural communities.
· Every year children, the infirm and the old die because of the cold and infections. By giving them a chance to stay warm we greatly improve their chances of survival.
· Our priority is clothing, however, if cash is donated it will be used by us to purchase children’s clothes. A receipt will be given in all cases. A record will be kept of all donations and receipts for clothes bought made available to anyone who wants to see where their money went.
· We also appeal to all those supporting this project to canvas their friends and relatives for any spare clothing they have. ALL clean clothing is welcome, summer or winter.
· Collection points will be set up in the city, and at participating Schools, Colleges and Businesses, from which we will collect clothing donations.
· Sorting and storage will be at our home by us and volunteers.
· Posters advertising the project and giving the locations of collection points will be made available and put in all participating businesses, Schools Colleges etc. and any other place that will display them.
· We will also collect bags of clothes collected by families from private homes if it cannot be taken to a collection point.
We will invite the maximum publicity for this project and will also credit all organisations and NGO’s on any posters and leaflets who support us.
As soon as it is known who is participating we can make firm plans. This will be no later than Sunday 21st August to allow time for printing of posters and flyers.
Again, our sincere thanks for your support.
Chris and Kris Hyde. Jeevan Tara colony Udaipur.
We have been amazed at the support we are getting for this. We started with Kris checking with the FRO (Foreign Registration Office) that we could do this without problems for our work visa’s.
They are very supportive and assured us that as long as we weren’t employed or working for any of the organisations involved there wasn’t a problem.
Several NGO’s have joined us since then. The very first business to support us is Voyage motors Udaipur, Motor cycle sales and service for Yamaha and Royal Enfield. They have offered to be a collection point and collect themselves. In addition Jatin Gandhi who runs the Royal Enfield side of the business has said he will tell customers about Warm Aid and give out flyers. So generous a response. It has been the same from all those who want to help. We have support from Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Christian communities. We have contacted some of the Christian churches here and one of the biggest is thinking about supporting us but does not want publicity, we still hope for a reply from the others. Never mind perhaps the others will contribute as the project develops, we leave that to God to sort out... HDS (Health and Development Society) Led by Sahiba Gandhi is actively involved spreading the news of this project and coordinating efforts as well as members collecting clothing. They are also the main contact point for information.
A very good friend who we have worked with before Girish Vaishnav immediately he heard of this project offered the services of his NGO ‘Helping Hands. As did another friend Debi Dutter of PMF (Pragati Marg Foundation) we cannot adequately describe our gratitude to them and to all those wonderful people here who really care enough about the poor to act when given the chance. The college we work for BGI (Buddha Group of Institutes) has given us permission to use this project as part of the student’s sociology course. They will be active in all areas of the project.
Our own bike club IBR (India Bull Rider Motorcycle Club) is looking into all the chapters nationwide becoming involved.
Poor Kris she just got her studio sorted out ready to work and now she has lost it again for clothes storage.
We will keep you updated on progress. Next a fb page and posters.
Update; We have just learned that another business and another NGO want to come on board. We are delaying posters until we have met with them this week........good eh.
A path cleared of obstacles, look neither right or left but keep your eyes on the Lord.
Update; We have just learned that another business and another NGO want to come on board. We are delaying posters until we have met with them this week........good eh.
A path cleared of obstacles, look neither right or left but keep your eyes on the Lord.
No cold knee joints this winter for Kris.
Every winter since we came to India Kris has suffered with pain in her artificial knee joints from the cold. Indian houses, as a rule, don’t have built-in heating, despite Indians saying how cold the weather is!
Well, this year things will be different, no more running an electric radiator (largely ineffective) and a cold house.
We had two old gas bottles that had been abandoned here. We waited over a year and nobody claimed them and they do not belong to our landlord. One we gave to a couple who were struggling to get gas, they could afford the gas but not the deposit on the bottle as well. The other we converted to a wood burner.
MK1 output flow valve. the internal disc can be seen. This was later refined. |
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Early welding of the flow pipe that connects to the chimney outside the building. |
Top radiator fins. Heat is held in this section by the output flow valve. The result is less heat up the chimney and more into the room |
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Output pipe being fitted. |
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Our own mix, graphite and a little black emulsion paint to help it spread. Works great! Old Victorian recipe other than they mixed the graphite with soot and water. |
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Kris black leading the stove. |
View of the front showing the grate inside and the front 'fender'. This is all removable for cleaning. Removable plugs allow control of the air 'in' this way the burn rate can be regulated. |
The chimney had to be light enough to lift into place but strong enough to resist the winds here. 10' tall. |
First try does it fit? |
The finished stove |
Our winter charcoal supply. We will burn a mix of wood and charcoal for maximum heat. |
Well bleu’ has been in hospital to be sterilised. We both feel it is better for her and us. Now we haven’t got the worry of one of the street dogs catching her in season. She was home the same day but very out of it. She slept almost all day and one night. For a couple of days she didn’t feel like eating very much but she was drinking plenty so we weren’t over worried.
Kris gave her injections for ten days and took out her stitches. She is now up and about with a lovely clean scar….and getting into mischief again!
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ten days later, feeling better. |
Comments from Kris
I was wondering what to write about when I needed to go shopping on my scooter, as I rode into the city I witnessed an accident. Ahead of me I saw a motorcyclist knock down a lady who had walked into the road from the central barrier without looking. After giving first aid and advising she needed to go to hospital having a very obvious broken ankle and possible fracture of her arm I realised that since coming to India I have used my nursing and medical skills more than in the previous ten years.
This was not my first accident I had stopped at to offer first aid, I can count at least 6 accidents, it is not something I want to see more of. On the whole the driving maybe chaotic here but people do try to avoid having accidents. There is no shortage of people around when there is an accident, people appear from nowhere just to see what is happening, entertainment in its simplest forms as not everyone has tv, especially the poor. At the last accident 6 rickshaws, many bikes and some cars stopped one biker was an acquaintance of ours and he checked to see I was ok, he thought I was in the accident but after explaining he acted as translator for me.
I have given intra muscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injections, drips containing medication not only to Chris but to friends and neighbours and most recently to Bleu’ who needed injections following surgery for ten days. Basic first aid at college to the students and of course the self-breast examination seminars to detect early signs of cancer.
Our flock of chickens and cocks has grown to ten chickens and five cockerels, the chickens and one cockerel are in the back garden pen and the other cockerels inside the kitchen garden at the front. We have given free access to the back garden to the chickens to help clear the garden of grass and weeds and at the same time it makes the chickens happier. Since doing this the chickens have started to lay eggs, it has been a while since we had our own eggs so yummy.
The cockerels as you can see have cleared the weeds in the front so when the time is right we will sow more vegetables then fence off these areas we want to protect from the cockerels.
It is great going into the coups every day the chickens come to the gate to greet me excited to see what food I am bringing them. They are not aggressive and happily flock around my feet till they find something more exciting to do. They all have their own characters but we are not naming them just call them the girls and guys. Bleu’ gets a little jealous when she is not centre of attention but she does not seem to scare them, in fact they just ignore her or watch her when she is running franticly round the lawn.
Above the cockerels in the front kitchen garden, what is amazing is they are all great friends, they are doing a great job of weeding and fertilising the soil.
The chickens outside their coup in the back garden
YEY we are free
Above the great escape, in fact they have full range of the back garden during the day and in the evening happily wander back into their coup so I can lock them up for the night.
The monsoon has affected us both with colds, flu aches and pains but as Chris says we will be warm this winter yippee, next is the installation of my bath sometime in the future. Every time we get some 'spare' money together we seem to find a better use for it! Mind you if it was winter in the UK we would be suffering so much more so we are thankful to be here and do actually enjoy the monsoon.
Yes the winter will be here soon it’s starting to get colder now and the rain isn’t quite so warm so I am having more joint pain but it is under control and at least now we have our wood burner which really makes a difference and this year I am not anxious about keeping warm. No longer will we have to wear jumpers and wrap up in blankets just to keep warm indoors. We are much more fortunate than others and that is why we are praying Warm Aid will be a huge success if we can help just a few people survive this winter it will have been worth all the hard work. Looking ahead, if this year is a success we will try to make it an annual event.
Well that's all from us for this month we hope you enjoyed the read.
Take care and God Bless you all,
Chris and Kris in Udaipur, India.
Well that's all from us for this month we hope you enjoyed the read.
Take care and God Bless you all,
Chris and Kris in Udaipur, India.