Monday, 1 February 2016

Updates from India 43

This Month:

Comments from Kris
A Wedding
Ride to Jaisamand lake
The garden
Flowers around our garden.
A very sad loss

Man has within him the ability to do great good or great evil. Last week, the 27th was Holocaust Memorial Day held to honour not only of the victims of the Nazi Holocaust, but also of subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur and the ongoing victims of hate crimes in this world.
Approximately six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, although some studies suggest that the true death toll of the Holocaust could be up to 20 million.
Ordinary men and women did this.
But the Holocaust isn’t the only atrocity committed in recent years. In Rwanda, somewhere between 800,000 and two million people, mainly Tutsis, were slaughtered over the course of just 100 days in 1994 – over six people per second. Up to 500,000 women were raped, 67% of which were infected with HIV as a result of the rape.
In Cambodia, the regime led by Pol Pot killed up to three million people between 1975 and 1979. In the Bosnian war (1992-1995) 100,000 people were killed, including 8,000 Bosniak men and boys from the town of Srebnica in July 1995 – the largest European massacre since the Holocaust.
But, in case you think that atrocities like the Holocaust only happen in the past, it’s worth remembering that the genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives beginning in 2003 and continuing to this day. It has the dubious honour of being the first genocide of the 21st century.
What is wrong with the world, are we really so blind to the evil we do? Or is it that we really don’t care as long as it isn’t us or ours.
The bible warns us of the dark forces, the evil that surround us that can infect us.
Ephesians 6:10-13 finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (NIV)

Sadly many people even those that profess to be Christian do not acknowledge this dark force in our midst. For some reason the concept of a ‘devil’ is hard for some to accept. A force that directly opposes God does exist, is real and will lead anyone who accepts evil or allows it to happen unchallenged to eternal damnation.
To do nothing and just stand by and allow evil to overcome is the same as doing that evil. A population may cry in defence ‘I was not part of what happened’ but that is not a valid excuse, if you see it and do nothing you must carry the blame as much as those who do the evil itself.
Everyone has the responsibility to stop the evil of racism, not just people who are directly suffering because of it.
Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you live in an enlightened, peaceful world. It might be easy to ignore massacres that are happening half way across the planet, but it’s not so easy to turn a blind eye to things that are happening where you live. 
Jews are today leaving Europe because they feel unsafe, in fear of their neighbours who only a short time ago were their friends. What is happening to us?
I can’t imagine the pain of having to leave my home, friends, family and country because of my race. How can we justify this? How long before we again elect a scapegoat for the world’s troubles? The witch hunt has already begun. The extremists are even now adding fuel to the fire of hatred that is growing in our midst. 
Don’t ignore it, when you see it, protest it or maybe one day soon you will be trying to justify your part in another holocaust.
In 2014, anti-Semitic ‘incidents’ in the UK reached their highest ever level– double the number of incidents in 2013. 
Anti-Muslim hate crimes tripled in London after the Paris attacks. In 2014, hate crimes motivated by racism, religion and homophobia in London rose by 20%.
And if you think that we don’t do concentration camps anymore – what about the internment camps in Calais? Or the refugees in Cardiff forced to wear identifying wrist bands? (Remember how wearing a star started) Or the doors of refugees being painted red in Middlesbrough? Doesn’t any of this sound familiar, how we can be so blind to the consequences of ignoring this. How did we ever allow this to happen in our so called Christian society?
We live in a world where Donald Trump a USA presidential candidate declared that he wants to ban all Muslims from the US, and his audience cheered. Can you imagine a full on racist as President of the USA! If there is one reason never to vote for this racist that statement must be it.
Having free speech is precious to us all but sadly that comes at the price of giving the haters, the extremists and the enemies of tolerance and peace  a right to influence our young and desperate with their lies. 
This is why I and many others believe Holocaust Memorial Day is still hugely relevant and important. We must never forget the price paid by so many because they were judged to be ‘different’.
We must resist evil in all its forms. It is true of this world that evil can bring great success in riches, acclaim, popularity, fine houses, all the trappings of wealth. Some would look at all this and say ‘what a great life’. But it is meaningless. It is a trap. 
The greatest success of the devil is getting us to believe he is a myth, a boogy man made up to scare children. Remember ‘greed is good’ how that became the watchword of so many, some gained great riches at the expense of their fellow man. Tell me that’s not the worship of mammon (money). Where is their god? didn't they care who suffered to make their lives 'better'.
I would rather be poor in money and rich in my faith than have all the money in the world and be without the love of my saviour.
Matthew 16 - 24
16 Now a man came to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”
17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.”
18 “Which ones?” the man inquired.
Jesus replied, “Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony,
19 honour your father and mother,” and “love your neighbour as yourself.”
20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said, “What do I still lack?”
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.
23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Wealth beyond your needs in this life is in fact a stone about your neck, who do you worship money or God?  You can’t do both.
How far down the road to damnation will you go to live a ‘better’ life in this world? What will you ignore, turn a blind eye to because it doesn’t directly affect your life. Will you lie, cheat, steal, will you ignore the race hatred that is now part of our society, will you allow mass murder? 
Remember good can never come from evil, however small a lie it is still a lie, there is no such thing as ‘justification’ 'Everyone else does it' or ‘I had to do it’ excuses so often used by the guilty are simply wrong and what is sad is that most decent people know in their hearts the wrong they do.
For the Christian this cannot be, we must stand up, we must speak the truth always, we must oppose evil no matter what the cost to us personally, for only then can we find salvation.
Consider carefully the role you play in this world for good or evil, to say ‘it wasn’t me, what could I have done’ will not be enough.

With thanks to Abigail Chandler for

Sahiba and I at the lunch following the wedding
ceremony and below the Gandhi family welcoming
guests to their daughter Avneets wedding.

Some photos of the wedding ceremony at the
Sikh Temple, it got quite full after these were taken. Lovely ceremony.

Kunal, a friend, Vijay and Manchirag  members of IBRMC (India Bullriders Motorcycle Club) celebrating the wedding.

A view of the lake, so clear and calm. 

We got to see them moving the jetty, here they
are in action, they made it look so easy.

Akashi and Kunal enjoying a rest just before
our picnic lunch, home prepared and very tasty.
Very fun day with a great couple.

Above are some photos of the local monkeys who
live near the lake. They are mischievous and if you
leave your food unguarded they will pinch it, but as
lots of tourists feed them its not surprising.

This is where we stopped for a snack just a short distance from the lake, we had locally made fresh pakodas you can see in the newspaper above and they were so good we went back for more. Apparently you get great fish here as it is caught locally, next time we will try it.

These trees in our garden produce a local fruit called Amla it is a cousin of the gooseberry but a lot bigger, useful for jams and pickles and full of vitamin C. We are thinking of making marmalade when they are fully ripe.

 Pomegranates from our neighbours tree which
hangs over into our garden.

Some of our seedlings just coming through. There 
is cucumber, tomato, (cherry and salad) also some pumpkin
which is another of our experiments! 

 Yes these are our leeks "yippee" still growing
well. Summer coming so we cant speak too soon,
but we have hopes of a crop.
 Leek with cheesy sauce, yummy!

Papaya from two of our papaya trees

    who me?   


Buddha Group of Institutions.

English is going well now, with it now on the curriculum for the first year students. As part of this five year degree course we also teach workshops in casting techniques, clay, metalwork and woodwork.
We are also involved with guiding the final year students in Dissertations and Theses work. 
This year we begin working with third year students studying Building Materials and Construction techniques. Any teachers out there will know how we feel.....reading to fill in the blanks in our knowledge and stay at least one session ahead!
We both find this incredibly fulfilling to teach here and be able to help these young people who are the future for India. It is a great privilege that we both take very seriously.                         

Just a few photos of us in Udaipur paying tribute to a lovely man, This is us at Fateh Segar Lake early hours of Sunday morning. Very few people around at this time of day, just the keep fit fanatics and us. Below chai break, and an opportunity of  remembering a friend so sadly taken from us.

 Udaipur IBRMC was proud to be part of this. We will remember him. RIP bro.

Well thats all for this month, we haven't been able to do much on the jeep because of Kris's health and a lack of sleep for both of us. Hopefully next month (Feb) will be better for her as the weather warms up.
As Kris mentioned I am going to build and install a wood burning stove for next winter so the whole house will be warmer for her. Funny isn't it how the human body adapts. Our first year here it was too hot for us in winter, now it feels perishing freezing!
I just had a thought..........anyone visiting will think we are mad!

God bless you all
Chris and Kris
Udaipur, India.