Well blessings upon you all.
I was going to talk about giving and how much more reward the Lord gives in return for the work you do for Him in this blog but I have been diverted.
Is it just me or are more and more people posting racist remarks on face book? The latest offering is this, although by the time this gets published who knows!
To begin with let me be clear I believe not only England is in trouble but the whole of the UK, if you want to you can make a serious argument that this whole world is in deep deep trouble.
Lack of morals, binge drinking, drugs, the 'live on the dole mentality', the street gangs, old who die every winter because they cant afford to heat and eat,sixteen year old children trying to rear children given to them by passing boyfriends, who just move on without a thought to the next girl who will give him what he wants. No thought of supporting the girl or his children, the state will do that for him. One of the highest sexual infection rates in Europe, porn freely available to children. That is our country our society and I am ashamed. Why are so many failing in their lives, I believe its really simple, our country has turned away from God. Our laws break the commandments given by God, our people no longer follow His word, our justice system no longer values truth only what you can 'proove' in a cash orientated society justice depends on your bank balance. God will judge us all one day so saying 'but what can I do' wont cut it.
I want to look at this statement above point by point because it feels like I have just stepped in something nasty and have to look at my shoe, so if you are easily bored or just don't care move on now.
1 Every brit has the right to a job without direct competition from immigrants.
WHY? Should an employer hire because of the colour of skin or race, no, remember the seventies, colour discrimination was rife, if you weren't white you were looked down on and only got the menial jobs. It isn't perfect yet by a long way but it is better, give the job to the best, if you want equal opportunities then get off your butt and get some decent training, Half the training for real jobs in the UK are never taken up because (and I wish I had a £1 for every time I have heard this) why should I go for extra day or night school or take a placement, why should I work for dole money when the guy next to me gets more. BECAUSE he is worth it you are not, you are working to show an employer that you can actually turn up everyday straight and sober and learn to do the job properly, then you may get a job and full pay.
2 'A UK where every British child has the right to education' I agree with this point, what about traveller children who are often looked down on by the rest of us, yes education tourism is becoming a serious problem. However as a country we CANT ban illegal immigrant children from school nor I believe would it be right to do so, we signed the convention on human rights,
'to do so would breach Article 26.' and before the cry of we don't want to be part of that bill here are a FEW of the other rights you have under this act:
What rights does the Human Rights Act protect?
- The right to life – protects your life, by law. The state is required to investigate suspicious deaths and deaths in custody.
- The prohibition of torture and inhuman treatment – you should never be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way, no matter what the situation.
- Protection against slavery and forced labour – you should not be treated like a slave or subjected to forced labour.
- The right to liberty and freedom – you have the right to be free and the state can only imprison you with very good reason – for example, if you are convicted of a crime.
- The right to a fair trial and no punishment without law - you are innocent until proven guilty. If accused of a crime, you have the right to hear the evidence against you, in a court of law.
- Respect for privacy and family life and the right to marry – protects against unnecessary surveillance or intrusion into your life. You have the right to marry and raise a family.
- Freedom of thought, religion and belief – you can believe what you like and practise your religion or beliefs.
- Free speech and peaceful protest – you have a right to speak freely and join with others peacefully, to express your views.
- No discrimination – everyone’s rights are equal. You should not be treated unfairly – because, for example, of your gender, race, sexuality, religion or age.
- Protection of property, the right to an education and the right to free elections – protects against state interference with your possessions; means that no child can be denied an education and that elections must be free and fair. If you really want to protest, go do some research.FIND THE TRUTH! THINK FOR YOURSELF!
3. 'where political correctness never stands in the way of OUR culture and rights'
Why should being proud to be British be wrong, my wife is English and I am Welsh and we are
both proud of our nations heritage and cultural differences. To be offencive is just stupid, I don't
go around putting down the English etc just because I am welsh and a Celt! Remember when you
talk about English rights the Celts were here first so perhaps you should remember if you are not a
Celt you are an Immigrant.
4. 'I believe in a UK where British people are put first, before outsiders who haven't paid into
the system'....................what about All the lazy brits who dont pay in by choice.
Ok then no more dole/ health care/ assisted rent/ pole tax for any Brit if fit and capable of work and
work is available, work in the community for dole, apply the rules to all, I agree completely.
One small problem here, what about all the Brits abroad who get free medical care even though
they are not 'paying in' to that countries system and have never paid into the UK's.And then there are all those honest hard working people who need assistance just to live in the UK.
5. 'Where justice is fair and the punishment fits the crime without abuse of the human rights
Sorry but didn't you just say the human rights bill was wrong. Other than being unable to make up
your mind on that point I do agree with you '' Fairness and equality for all''.....now where have I
heard that before. Couldn't find it in your post.
6. 'A UK where we are allowed to decide our own desiny'
might prove a bit costly that, power, gas, oil, food imports from Europe suddenly having import
tax stuck on. No more cheap cars, back to passports and all that goes with visiting another
country. Do you like your freedom, look at how many EEC laws give you the right to publish the
rubbish above. As a very wise man once said (if I may Para phrase) 'I will defend you right to
state your opinion with my life, but I don't have to like it'.
And finally, 'These are my beliefs, don't accept them don't expect me to accept yours.'
Gal 3: 28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
God made us all, what gives you the right to say one man is better than another, one race Superior (Hitler 1933) to any other, on that road stands the devil just watching and waiting. If you really want to find out whats going on now in the world and how it will effect YOU, then have the courage to step away from bigotry and lies, read the bible, learn about our Lord and how he can save you from what is even now waiting for you with open arms. You can dismiss this but one day as you lay dying you will face judgement for all your sins throughout your life. Change yourself now, its your choice and only you can make it.
Home, Short this time due to masses of other stuff.........
A house guest, he catches flies we leave him to it! Cute little thing, we have several trotting about. ROYAL ENFIELD One Ride |
The usual 'who's ready, who's not' |
What a lovely site! All RE's Chai stop. |
Chai stop, we made a few of those and for eats, local roadside Samosa here were spot on! |
MY Baby |
Fantabbadozy init |
Took 20 years to build, the palace is in the background. |
Both my wife and girlfriend together |
Now do you see this road, yeah it is a road with pot holes dust loose gravel and 30deg climbs, I was told before the attempt, don't worry its all concrete!
Yeah.....road. |
Nice little climb just to get to.................... |
A mass of steps that just went up and up |
Full of fun now eh guys, lets all go for it |
Bye Bye |
Danger Wide Load! |
The chapel where I teach in Pai, as a thank you Kris and I bought the pastor some gold paint because the cross was very shabby, really stands out now. He was so pleased he painted it during the break This is my other class room.And in case you fancy a sing song, underneath the Mango tree.........
Playing the 'find it' game'
In just eight weeks of 4hr sessions once a week with of course a break for chai I have two students who are now ready to go back to their villages
and teach English. ... yes TEACH ! That has always been the objective of this course to produce teachers, not Ma or Ba standard just simple day to day English that they can use tp talk to tourists.
Their children in fact anyone who wants to learn can using this method. We havenen't costed per student yet but this week Kris is going to sit down with all the receipts and work it out.
I now have interest from another NGO and one School who want to talk about the method. I have
copyrighted all the course so that it will always be free to whoever needs it, education should not only
be for those that can pay! As they complete they are given a full laminated teaching pack exactly the same as I use for them. They can call on me for help and to visit them in their village or pop in
on a tuesday at Pai if they need my help. In this way they will always have support. Their certificate
is laminated so that they can hang it on a wall and it will last in this climate. The pride when I told
them (privately) that I was awarding their certificate to them was enormous, one will do his final
teaching practise next week the other one week later.
This is worth all the hours and hours spent doing research, rewriting what didn't work, going
crazy trying to find a way to teach without an interpreter, this makes it all worth it.
Kris Teaching
PMF's workshop on "Uttam Swathya" was succesfully conducted on the 9th April, 2013 at
the Panchayat Bhawan of Pai in Udaipur, Rajasthan. This program has been especially
developed by Christine Hyde for rural areas, on community health exclusively for women!
There will befurther courses for women featuring first aid, nutrition and pre and post natal care, and
for mixed groups if there is sufficient response or demand.
Volunteer Worker Mrs Christine (Kris) Hyde, Retired Registered General Nurse (RGN), &
Community Health Visitor (DIP HV) from Durham, UK is leading the project, educating women on subjects such as Health and Hygiene, Breast Cancer Awareness this also includes a full breast
examination if requested by the woman. The first day program went on well with about 30 ladies participating in it. By public demand, we are planning a further session next week. Their will be a
follow up session on Breast Cancer Awareness so that more women can benefit from the program.
A First Aid Course has been reque sted and will be implemented soon. Simultaneously, volunteering sisters will be trained to implement the project in their communities and being able to "link back" to
Kris for help and advise if needed. In this way , the project will have a long lasting impact,
benefitting many others rather than being a one day event that would only benefit those who had attended.
Write up from PMF's website.....well woth a look